Selasa, 24 April 2018

Herbal Cure For ZIKA VIRUS Infection, cure zika infection naturally, ayurvedic treatment for zika, herbs for zika virus, viral infection, immunity boosting herbs

Herbal Cure For ZIKA VIRUS Infection, cure zika infection naturally, ayurvedic treatment for zika, herbs for zika virus, viral infection, immunity boosting herbs

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Herbal Cure For ZIKA VIRUS Infection, cure zika infection naturally, ayurvedic treatment for zika, herbs for zika virus, viral infection, immunity boosting herbs

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(An ISO 9001:2008 registered firm)

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Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems The Pros and Cons

Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems The Pros and Cons

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Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems The Pros and Cons

Heat recovery ventilation systems are an ingenious way of regulating the quality of the air in a building. They consist of two ventilation ducts- one passes air from the outside into the building, and the other does the complete opposite. At this point, many may worry about the constant change in air temperature this could cause, but those fears are allayed by the systems most vital component- the heat exchanger. This works by allowing the heat of the outgoing air (i.e. the air travelling out of the building) to transfer to the air coming into the building with the two air streams coming into contact by being absorbed through ducting in the heat exchanger's cavity. Typically, most systems are also hooked up to a fan system which allows the user to control the temperature and humidity within the building. An alternative to this system is called the energy recovery system, or ERV. It works in a similar way to the HRVC, but does not strip away the humidity from the outgoing air completely. This is so that the humidity remains consistent throughout the building, where it is needed.

Advantages and Disadvantages to the Heat Recovery Ventilation System


The advantage of heat recovery ventilation systems is that they allow you to keep your building warm without having to use extra energy in the form of a central heating system or fuel burning system. This inevitably reduces fuel consumption and energy costs, which is a real bonus if you happen to be located in a colder climate, or it is winter. Similarly, during summer, a heat recovery ventilation system will reduce the demand for air conditioning since it allows the cool air flow directly into the building.

Another benefit to having a heat recovery system is that it keeps excessive moisture at bay, which is better for the building itself as it prevents damp, as well as your furniture, and ultimately your health.


Although arguable the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, heat recovery ventilation systems are initially expensive to install and there is no way of accurately measuring their ability to pay for themselves. In addition, they are most suitable in climates where there tends to be a wide range of temperatures between winter and summer, e.g. Western Europe, as opposed to climates which have a more consistent range of temperatures, e.g. Subtropical Asia. As with all systems, HRVs also require periodic maintenance, as filters will require changing at least every six months or more.

Senin, 23 April 2018

Healthy Habits That Everyone Should Follow - Rules For Good Health

Healthy Habits That Everyone Should Follow - Rules For Good Health

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Healthy Habits That Everyone Should Follow - Rules For Good Health

Health is considered as one of the most precious thing and the best way to be healthy is to be happy, practice good habits, and maintain a healthy regular routine and a healthy way of thought. Here are some useful tips to make you fit and healthy.

15 Simple Rules for Good Health

1. You might heard of this nursery rhyme - 'Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise'. You should maintain a healthy routine after waking up early so as to perform the right time and ensure good health.

2. You should try to avoid anxiety and stressful conditions. Stress and anxiety is linked to many other health risks. So keep them away from you.

3. Don't suppress the natural urge to pass stool and urine. They help remove unwanted toxins out of the body.

4. Use antiseptic soap or liquid gel to wash your hands before eating.

5. Regular cleaning of the tongue to remove extra coatings is necessary for oral hygiene.

6. Brush your teeth after every meal, at least two times - in morning and at night before going to bed. Toothbrush with soft, rounded bristles is best. Brush the teeth for at least two minutes.

7. To remove food particles use a proper up and down motion with the brush and then rinse your mouth thoroughly. If brushing is inconvenient at some places, rinse with warm or plain water for at least 30 seconds.

8. Avoid chewing betel nut to prevent erosion and cavities in the teeth.

9. Floss regularly between the teeth and use a fluoride toothpaste or baking soda.

10. Replace your toothbrush every three months.

11. Do not use your nails, toothpicks or other pointed things to clean the teeth because it can wear away the gums resulting in complete exposure of teeth.

12. Take a well balanced nutritious diet containing all minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water in the requisite proportions.

13. Never eat food while under stress, strain or worry as it hinders the digestive process. Avoid any other simultaneous activity as this forces the heart to pump more blood, showing down digestion and leading to various ailments including indigestion. Thus, you should avoid reading or studying while eating.

14. You sometimes tempted to over eat your favorite tasty foods. Avoid this as it distends the abdomen and leaves no space for water and air.

15. Breathe from the nostrils and not the mouth. Your nose is lined with small hairs that help filter the air. The air is warmed and moistened in the nose. Breathing from the mouth dries the pharynx, resulting in a dry cough and the formation of mucous.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright (c) Ryan Mutt, All Rights Reserved.

Health Benefits of Onion

Health Benefits of Onion

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Health Benefits of Onion

Including vegetables in our daily diet is a very good health habit. Fresh vegetables are full of nutrients and minerals. We use many vegetables daily and onion is also a part of our daily diet. Onions are being used in culinary from a very long period and is an indigenous part many cuisines around the world including Indian, French and Mexican. Even thinking about onion brings tears to our eyes but it can do many wonders apart from giving running eyes and nose.

Onion is a very good source of Carbohydrates, Sugar, Protein, Water, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sodium, and Zinc. Being rich in all these nutrients and minerals, onion is very effective in keeping good health. Few health benefits of onion are:

Good Oral Health: Onions are often used to prevent tooth decay and oral infections.
Treatment for Heart Ailments: Onions aids in thinning of the blood, which in turn prevents the red blood cells from forming clumps. These blocks could lead to heart disorders or cardiovascular diseases.
Removes acne: Onion juice mixed with honey or olive oil is said to be best treatment for acne condition.
Treatment for Cough: Consuming equal mixture of onion juice and honey can relive sore throat and cough symptoms.
Used as Insect Repellent: onion juice if applied to honey-bee bite and other insect bites, can reduce the pain.
Boost Sexual Drive: Onions are said to increase the urge for healthy sexual life. From ancient times it is considered as being aphrodisiac and is suggested in some Hindu and Buddhist sects to avoid it.
Treatment of Anaemic Condition: Being rich in iron, anaemic conditions can be improved by eating onions along with jaggery and water.
Relieves Stomach Ache: Onions have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that give relief to upset stomach and related gastro syndromes.
Treating Urinary Disorders: For those suffering from burning sensation during urination, having onions boiled in water can provide considerable relief.
Prevention of Cancer: Onions are rich in active compounds that successfully inhibit the development of cancerous cells and are quite effective in avoiding breast cancer.
Relieving Earache: A few drops of onion juice may actually prove immensely beneficial to individuals suffering from acute earache.
Onions Consist of Sulphur Rich Compounds- being rich in sulphur compounds, onion can stop biochemical chain formations that could possibly lead to an asthmatic condition. Onions also facilitates the melting of phlegm in a patient suffering from severe cough.

It is suggested in Ayurveda to eat onion daily to cure most of the common diseases. Onions are effective in curing most of the ailments, but one should also consult a physician or family doctor if they have symptoms of any disease and take proper medication before they get worse.

Getting Treatments For Bronchitis

Getting Treatments For Bronchitis

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Getting Treatments For Bronchitis

Today, there are a lot of studies about different approaches to heal different illnesses. Some are more inclined in the traditional way where it has been proven effective for a lot of years and some use new alternatives that was recently invented to treat certain illnesses.

There are millions of Americans affected by different kinds of respiratory illnesses, such as asthma, allergy, bronchitis, cold, and sinus. You have to consider that a simple cold can affect the way you do your daily activity. It will cause symptoms, such as runny nose, cough, feeling of weakness, and even mild to moderate fever. As you can see, having respiratory illness can significantly affect your performance at work or at school. In most cases, you can't even go to school or work because of the illness.

If a cold virus can affect the way you function, it is obvious that other worse kind of respiratory illness can affect your daily activities and tasks. For example, respiratory allergy can be very irritating where you can't go near objects that contain any allergens. You have to consider that your can be allergic to anything. Usually, people with respiratory allergies are allergic to pollen, and dog and cat hair containing dander. People with respiratory allergies will need to take a lot of precaution as allergy attacks may come any time they are exposed to certain allergens.

Asthma is also a form of chronic respiratory disease where it affects millions of Americans. This particular disease is characterized by occasionally constricting the airway, inflamed and it is also lined with a excessive amounts of mucus. Usually, emotional stress and overexertion can trigger asthma. However, there are some cases where allergies are also linked to asthma where it triggers it because of the allergens entering the system. Asthma sufferers feel shortness of breath, chest tightness, wheezing, persistent sneezing and persistent coughing.

Bronchitis is also one of the growing respiratory diseases today. Affecting people living in areas where there are high levels of air pollution, and also commonly affecting smokers, bronchitis is a disease that can affect your daily task. There are mainly two types of bronchitis and these are the acute bronchitis and the chronic bronchitis. The acute bronchitis is usually a short term illness where it can easily be treated and managed. However in the chronic bronchitis, it may have permanent damage on the respiratory system and treatment can last up to 2 consecutive years. Sometimes, bronchitis can also be linked to allergy where acute episodes of bronchitis can be triggered by allergens entering the lungs.

Your sinuses can be affected if you have one of the mentioned illnesses. Sinusitis is usually closely associated with different kinds of respiratory illness where it can make it difficult for you to live your daily life. If you have sinusitis you will experience pain in the cheek, headache, toothache, and a feeling of squeezing around the eyes.

As you can see, respiratory illnesses can cause discomfort to your body. This is why you should get it treated and know how to manage it with care in order for you to live a productive and normal life.

As mentioned before, there are different approaches in treating different respiratory illness. Some people prefer the tested and proven method of conventional medicine, while others prefer different approaches, such as holistic therapy.

Conventional medicine is where your respiratory illness will be diagnosed by basing on the symptoms. What conventional medicine do is help relieve the symptoms you experience and identify what causes the illness and treat it. Medical practitioners are usually the people who perform conventional medical treatment of respiratory illnesses.

However, another kind of treatment is called holistic therapy where it greatly differs from the medical approach. Although this kind of treatment approach is greatly debated, many people claims that this type of treatment is very effective in curing them from different kinds of respiratory illness. Rather than focusing on the signs and symptoms of the patient, holistic treatment focuses on the whole body of the patient.

Holistic therapy practitioners believe that the human body is surrounded by a vital force that protects the body from diseases. Theories have suggested that any irregularities in this force can trigger illnesses that include the respiratory illness. What they do is balance the flow of the vital force or life energy to cure the patient. However, medical professional have suggested that holistic therapy offers no more than just a placebo effect.

Whatever kind of treatment you prefer, you should consider consulting with the professionals first in order to make sure that the disease you have can be properly diagnosed. Holistic therapy are now being accepted by quite a number of hospitals and is integrated with conventional medicine to treat different kinds of diseases.

Minggu, 22 April 2018

Get the Facts on Nebulized Sinus Treatment

Get the Facts on Nebulized Sinus Treatment

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Get the Facts on Nebulized Sinus Treatment

If you are experiencing sinusitis or have experienced it before, you may well know about the discomforts, inconvenience and suffering that this illness brings. Colds, headache, coughing, congestion, facial pain and pressure, and post nasal drip are the most common symptoms of sinusitis. The sad part is that sinusitis can happen again and again, making it a vicious cycle for many individuals. There are almost 40 million Americans suffering from sinusitis every year.

The myriad of sinusitis medications available in the market today posts questions regarding the most effective sinusitis treatment. Among the newest sinus treatment methods available, thousands of patients have found nebulized sinus treatment to be one of the safest, most scientifically advanced and effective solution to beat sinusitis.

What is Nebulized Sinus Treatment?
This treatment method for sinusitis is also known as aerosolized therapy. Nebulized sinus treatment, as the first word indicates, uses a nebulizer to pump in liquid medication into the sinus areas. A nebulizer is an effective tool to administer medications to sinusitis and respiratory patients. This sinus treatment tackles all kinds acute and chronic sinus infections, as well as nasal allergies like allergic rhinitis.

What Kinds of Medications Are Used in This Treatment?
Doctor-prescribed liquid or liquid gel antibiotics, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory medications are used in this method.

How Does This Treatment Work?
Nebulized sinus treatment is a do-it-yourself system with the guidance of your doctor and a sinus compounding pharmacy that will issue your sinus treatment package. Once the nebulizer and liquid medications are delivered to you, you are ready and equipped to nebulize your way to sinus relief. The compact electronic nebulizer, also called as aerosolizing device, releases the liquid medication into mist for inhalation into the sinus and nasal cavity region. Treatment time only lasts approximately from 3 to 5 minutes.

How Effective is This Kind of Treatment?
The level of effectiveness, safety, ease of use and reliability of nebulized sinus treatment make this method different from all the other sinus medications out there. The key to its effectiveness lies in the small, minute mist particles going into the small openings of the sinus area (only 1.0 to 3.2 micron size aerosol particles). When the mist particles are very fine, bacterial infections in the hard to reach areas of the sinuses are killed and eliminated. No other sinus treatment has successfully achieved this, thus, nebulized sinus treatment is now the best choice for many sinusitis patients.

How Can I Avail of Nebulized Sinus Treatment?
When you feel that your colds are not going away soon and you are showing signs of a sinus infection, visit your doctor right away. You may also need to stop using any sinus medication you are taking, especially if you feel that it is ineffective. This may prevent further complications like drowsiness, sleeplessness and nausea. Your doctor will examine the extent of your sinus infection and tell you if you are suffering from acute or chronic sinusitis or nasal allergy. He may order further tests to make a certain diagnosis. Ask your doctor about nebulized sinus treatment for nasal sinus infections or nasal allergies.

Throw away the old sinus tricks that never worked. Get the most advanced, state-of-the-art sinus treatment method today.

Germs And Daycare

Germs And Daycare

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Germs And Daycare

Germs are everywhere. And day care germs abound. They are too small to see but we know they are there. Children can spread germs without ever getting sick themselves. They can catch colds, ear infections, diarrhea and worse. More severe illnesses like chicken pox, impetigo and hepatitis are also spread by germs. Toys are a vehicle for day care germs, so are unwashed hands of a caregiver after diaper change or blowing a child's runny nose. Runny noses don't always mean a child is sick, but the child can also be carrying something right under your nose so to speak, and you won't know it for several days until your symptoms start showing. So how can you cut back on day care germs and minimize your child's sick days Every child gets sick eventually with the average cold, but chances of spreading it to the other day care children and the sick child's family can be greatly reduced by following a few simple rules.

Always keep up to date with your child's immunizations. Schools will not enroll children in kindergarten without the immunization records filled out by the family physician. The same requirements must be met for daycare enrollment as well. Keep copies of your child's immunization records and have them ready to give to the daycare provider. You can request information on the other children enrolled in the daycare facility as well. All children enrolled in any daycare facility your child is going to should be immunized.

You should always have a backup plan for days when your child is sick and cannot attend daycare. Even if you suspect your child is catching something, he should be kept at home. The other daycare mothers will appreciate your compliance with this and they should follow suit. But there are times when some parents ignore the customary considerations surrounding children attending public environments and send their children off to daycare sick anyway.

At home, frequent hand washing can greatly reduce the chances of passing the illness on the rest of the family. As a general rule, washing your hands after coming in contact with your child is a good idea. One never knows if they are contagious with something and keeping your hands free of daycare germs, as well as any surfaces that the child may come in contact with, is good prevention. Door handles, eating utensils, toys, and plastic items such as beginner baby books should all be kept sanitized.

Toddlers should be taught right from the start to cover their mouth when they cough and proper toileting and cleanliness is a must. Stepstools in front of bathroom sinks enable children to wash their hands like big kids and colorful child-oriented soap dispensers add to the fun.

Children build immunities by being sick and then getting well. Daycare germs can speed up the process that would otherwise take place in the first years of school, even babies start building immunities by contact with other children. So a child who has never been in daycare and hasn't been sick very much will be thrown in a preschool that abounds with germs and his immunities begin to build but at the expense of lost school days. So whether parents like it or not, daycare germs do have their place in a growing child's life.

Herbal Cure For ZIKA VIRUS Infection, cure zika infection naturally, ayurvedic treatment for zika, herbs for zika virus, viral infection, immunity boosting herbs

Image source: Herbal Cure For ZIKA VIRUS Infec...