Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

Basic Signs Of Acute Bronchitis

Basic Signs Of Acute Bronchitis

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Basic Signs Of Acute Bronchitis

There are quite a lot of people living today who are suffering from different kinds of respiratory illnesses. You have to consider that your respiratory health is one of the most important factors that you should consider. Many people have been disabled by chronic respiratory illnesses where the main cause is that they tend to neglect early signs and symptoms of the disease when it develops and becomes severe.

One kind of disease that is commonly neglected by people is called bronchitis. This particular disease is common in infants and children where their immune system is still at the developing stages. Tobacco smokers and people living in areas where there is a high level of air pollution is also commonly affected by bronchitis. Acute bronchitis is a respiratory illness where the bronchial tree is infected by either a virus or bacteria or in rare cases, fungus. 95% of acute bronchitis is caused by viral infection where no special treatment is necessary.

The treatment for acute bronchitis that is caused by viral infection only consists of getting a lot of rest, drinking a lot of water or juices during the duration of the infection. In bacterial infection, antibiotics are usually needed along with the basic treatments. If it is possible, it is recommended that the humidity in the house should be increased by using room humidifiers or by placing wet towels and blankets around the house.

Acute bronchitis, if properly treated, can last up to 10 to 12 days only and are usually followed by flu or cold. Sometimes, coughing can last for two to three weeks or during the duration of the healing process of the bronchioles. However, if the cough still persists, it is recommended that you should consult your physician immediately because there may be other conditions that is affecting your body.

If acute bronchitis is left untreated, it can develop into chronic bronchitis where the disease can remain in long duration that can last up to 3 months to 2 years. Chronic bronchitis has permanent damages into your respiratory system. This is why it is important that you should know all about bronchitis and the signs and symptoms associated with it. If you neglect the signs and symptoms of acute bronchitis, it will develop into chronic bronchitis that can cause permanent damage in your respiratory system and can interfere with your normal movements and activities.

The signs and symptoms associated with acute bronchitis will include shortness of breath, mild pain on chest, mild case of fever, persistent coughing with mucus, chills, tightness in the chest, wheezing, and headache. As you can see, the symptoms associated with acute bronchitis have similar symptoms associated with the common cold disease. This is why it is important that if you experience the mentioned signs and symptoms, you should immediately consult your physician about it.

They will conduct a series of test that will include physical examination by listening to your breathing through a stethoscope and chest X-rays. Laboratory tests will also include examination of your mucus to determine whether you have acute bronchitis caused by virus, bacteria, or fungus infection.

During the recovery phase in acute bronchitis, it is important that you should stop smoking if you are a smoker, or avoid inhaling cigarette or tobacco smoke blown by smokers. It is also recommended that you should install air purifiers inside your home in order to breathe clean air.

Acute bronchitis is also easy to prevent. By constantly washing your hands and by quitting smoking, you will be able to maintain your respiratory health and avoid getting infected by viruses and bacteria that causes acute bronchitis.

Always remember that acute bronchitis is treatable. As soon as the signs and symptoms show up, you should consult your doctor about it. You have to consider that it may not be a simple cold that you are suffering from but acute bronchitis.

By taking the necessary precautions and by knowing about the signs and symptoms of acute bronchitis, you will be able to prevent it from getting worse and let it develop into chronic bronchitis. By effectively managing the illness and with the proper treatment, you can be sure that you will never have to suffer from chronic bronchitis.

Bacterial Might Be The Cause Of Bronchitis

Bacterial Might Be The Cause Of Bronchitis

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Bacterial Might Be The Cause Of Bronchitis

Whenever the word 'bacteria' is mentioned, most people will think about it negatively. The truth is there are bad bacteria as well as good bacteria. Bad bacteria often cause illnesses or diseases; and the good ones help in keeping the body healthy. Did you know that the largest class of all creatures on earth is bacteria? They are single cells that eat and reproduce. Of all infecting agents, the bacteria are the most common cause of hospitalized illnesses and infections, especially in developing countries. Most short term illnesses are caused by bacteria, but with the right antibiotic, it can easily be stopped. Most illnesses are caused by bacteria and viruses. In the case of bronchitis, it is most commonly caused by viruses which bring about acute or chronic bronchitis. Bacteria though can also cause bronchitis, but cases like this are not that common.

Bronchitis is the irritation and inflammation of the respiratory passages. If you're experiencing persistent cough, perhaps you need to consult a doctor because you might have bronchitis. Although this is just a mild to moderate illness, it needs proper treatment to avoid any complications and secondary bacterial infections. If bronchitis is caused by bacteria, the treatment will include antibiotic use. There are a lot of bacteria that cause illnesses and diseases.

Bronchitis is a very common disease among children and adults. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is said to cause bronchitis. It is a minute bacterium that belongs to Mollicutes class. Unlike other bacteria that have cell walls, this organism doesn't have any. It is composed of a membrane that incorporates compounds. Antibiotics, particularly the beta-lactam, and penicillin disrupts cell walls; and so it can't be used to treat mycoplasma pneumoniae since it lacks a cell wall. These bacteria thrive as parasites just like viruses; they are not free-living. It has genomes with 816 kbs and proteome that are fully characterized. M. pneumoniae uses a distinctive genetic code like mitochondria and is unable to make essential compounds because it doesn't have cellular machinery. M. pneumoniae spreads through droplet transmission in the respiratory system. Once it is attached to the host organism, the bacteria extract nutrients and grow.

It also reproduces through binary fission. The respiratory tract is the usual attachment site of these bacteria. If your bronchitis is caused by M. pneumoniae, it can be easily identified because of the slow progression of the symptoms, blood test on cold-hemaglutinins with positive result, lacks bacteria in sputum sample (gram stained), and lacks blood agar growth. The effective medications for this type of bacteria are macrolide antibiotics and quinolones (both second generation). Bronchitis caused by these bacteria is usually mild. Others experience moderate symptoms. When bacterial infection occurs in a person with bronchitis, it is usually treated with antibiotics and should take the medication prescribed. The infection will return if the antibiotic is stopped. A lot of people stop antibiotics when they feel better; but this should not be done because the bacterial infection will just come back. You have to strictly follow what the doctor prescribed to kill all existing bacteria and prevent the disease from coming back.

Antibiotics used are usually:

- trimethoprim or sulfamethoxazole
- azithromycin - clarithromycin
- for children: amoxicillin

Bacteria are life forms, and in order to stay alive, it performs chemical processes. They manufacture structural elements, digest nutrients, assimilate, and replicate themselves. They multiply and at the same time guard themselves against hostile elements. Antibiotics are able to hinder such processes to occur, thereby killing the bacteria. Bad bacteria are a lot like poisons and acids. The body has its own defenses and when the bacterium irritates the system, it can go overboard. In this manner, the bacteria and host tissues are attacked, which is not that good so careful attention and medication must be given to patients with bacterial infections. Illnesses and diseases are here to stay. And perhaps the lifestyle of many people has something to do with their getting sick. All individuals must live a healthy and clean lifestyle. With all medical costs soaring high nowadays, no one would want to get sick. So the best way is to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and other healthy foods. And if you do have symptoms of bronchitis, make sure that you consult your doctor immediately.

Baby Caring Tips For New Mom in Hot Summers

Baby Caring Tips For New Mom in Hot Summers

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Baby Caring Tips For New Mom in Hot Summers

Summer heat is one thing that all of us want to avoid. Given the scorching heat wave all around the entire aura and mood is kept at stake and people tend to find solace in summer chillers. Extreme heat causes innumerable health problems like dehydration, cough, stomach illness etc and hence proper care must be taken during summers to withstand the heat and keep oneself cool and fresh.

Babies are required extra care so that they do not face summer problems and fall sick. As the skin of the baby is tender, it has to be well protected from sunlight and so as hot summer is around here are baby caring tips for new Mom:

1. Never take the baby out when sun is at peak: Avoid taking your little one out at peak time i.e. from 12 noon to 3.00 pm. This is the time when one experiences highest stroke of sun and thus it is advisable to avoid taking infants and babies out during this period. In case you have no option but to go out with the baby during this time, them see that your baby is well covered and it has cap over his/her head. You can also some quality baby cream over the face and hands so that it acts as protective shield for the baby.

2. Wear loose and cool clothes: Cotton clothes are the best attire that every one of us should prefer during summers. Light colored cotton clothes reflect the heat and it absorbs heat and sweat from the body, thus keeping it cool. Make the baby wear loose cotton clothes so that he/she feels comfortable and cool throughout the day.

3. Bath the baby with warm water: Water temperature is important as extreme hot water will harm the baby and cause heat rash and too cool water will affect the health. So bath your baby with normal water temperature that causes refreshing and soothing effect in hot summers. One the baby twice during summers.

4. Ensure Air circulation: Babies do not perspire effectively and this makes them more prone to overheating than adults and thus infants should never be left in parked cars or hot rooms and always keep your baby in place with proper air circulation.

5. Keep the baby hydrated: Even if you do not see the baby sweat, it may be still losing fluids through perspiration. It is advisable to keep the baby hydrated by giving fluids like juice and water at regular intervals. For babies below six months, water is not allowed to be given so nurse them frequently. Babies need 50% or higher fluids than normal during summers.

6. Choose nappies wisely: It is better to go for nappies that are comfortable and that prevent nappy and heat rash. In case the baby develops heat rash, which is more common in hot and humid conditions, then use good quality ointment or baby talcum powder to keep the place cool and moist.

7. Food: During summers, food should be light, with plenty of liquid in the diet. For babies, light food is recommended. Curd, dal pani, fruit juice etc. should be used in plenty as they are easy to digest and keep the baby hydrated throughout.

8. Viral infections: Viral infections are common during summers and the best way to support the immune system of the baby is to breast feed it and also try to keep the people affected from flu or such other disease away from the baby. See that anyone who touches the baby washes the hands properly.

9. Dehydration: Babies easily get dehydrated if they are taken out during summers. If you are breast feeding, then there is no need to give extra water as your feeding has water content required for the baby, just feed the baby every time he/she asks for. Formula fed babies require extra water in peak summer.

Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Ayurvedic Treatment of Asthma Recommended Diet & Home Remedies

Ayurvedic Treatment of Asthma  Recommended Diet & Home Remedies

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Ayurvedic Treatment of Asthma  Recommended Diet & Home Remedies

Asthma, the inflammatory chronic respiratory disorder is a common ailment, which is characterized by difficulty in breathing and complications with respect to lungs and other respiratory organs of the body. The airways to and from the lungs are affected to a huge extent. The trouble gets further enhanced during the rainy and the winter days. And children get affected with this respiratory issue to a significant extent. Rising pollution, increase in concentration of ozone in the atmosphere, exposure to organic elements are some of the major causes of asthma. Also, people who addicted to smoking often face issues with this respiratory ailment to a huge extent

Major Symptoms of Asthma

This disorder is characterized by the following symptoms:

Shortness of breath
Chest tightness
Anxiety disorders
Expiration for prolonged hours

There are a lot of alternative natural treatments available to treat this respiratory disorder. One of the important one is following a particular diet. This recommended diet for the asthma patient is absolutely essential to treat the complication.

Recommended Diet for Asthma Patient

The diet must include cantaloupe, apples, carrots and milk on a regular basis. Apples have a flavonoid, called khellin, which helps to get rid of allergens. Cantaloupe, oranges, sprouts, oranges, broccoli, brussels are those vegetables, which have a lot of anti-oxidants and essential nutrients. Carrots contain beta carotenoids and Vitamin A, which prevents the occurrence of the various allergic reactions. Also, milk has Vitamin D, which provides relief from the symptoms of asthma to a huge extent.
A patient suffering from asthma must exclude peanuts from their diet. This is because, peanuts in many individuals lead to several allergic reactions. This makes the situation further worse. Also, consumption of salt is also restricted for the patients facing asthmatic problems. Salt leads to blockage of the air pathway, v 08 nasal passage and chest tightness. It also leads to further inflammation of the various respiratory organs of the body.

Home Remedies for Asthma

Asthma is quite a common respiratory complication, which can be treated using several home remedies. Some of the easy home remedies are given below.

Mustard oil

It has a relieving action on the cough and mucous, which are deposited in the chest and pathways. This also helps to cure the soreness and inflammation. Massage mustard oil on the chest and back. The heat is absorbed and the aroma gets entry to the body. This relieves the congestion and the clears the pathway. Mustard oil serves to be highly effective home remedy for asthma patients.


Ginger is another effective home remedy, which has many pharmaceutical properties. It has anti-inflammatory, soothing, analgesic, anti-allergic properties. It tends to have a relaxing impact on the muscles, swelling, infection and other complications. Take a few pieces of ginger and boil in water for 5 minutes. Let it cool and consume the solution. It provides relief from asthma.


Garlic has a lot of medicinal properties. It has anti-asthmatic properties. It clears off the congestion of the lungs and cleans the pathway helping to maintain a clear airway. Take a few cloves and add to a cup of milk. Let it boil for some minutes. Drink the solution atleast once on a daily basis. You will definitely get relief from the symptoms of asthma.


One important home remedy for asthma is the figs. Its nutritional elements help to enhance the respiratory system of the individuals and help to clear off the phlegm. It also helps to alleviate the difficulties due to breathing. Thus, it helps in eliminating the problems of asthma effectively.


The ethereal and alcohol in honey help to alleviate the problems of asthma to a huge extent. It is also known for its superb antibiotic, antiseptic, antimony other pharmaceutical properties. Thus, honey helps to remove the complication of asthma, chest congestion and other related signs and symptoms to a huge extent. Take a tsp of honey and mix in a cup of warm water. Drink it regularly early in the morning. It provides absolute relief.

Thus, these are some of the ways to treat asthma effectively. These home remedies coupled with the recommended diet helps to lead a healthy life.

Ayurveda Medicinal properties of Punarnava or Boerhaviadiffusa

Ayurveda Medicinal properties of Punarnava or Boerhaviadiffusa

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Ayurveda Medicinal properties of Punarnava or Boerhaviadiffusa

Boerhavia diffusa or Punarnava belongs to the family Nyctaginaceae . This is also known as spiderlings as this plant grows low and spreads like spider web. Boerhavia diffusa is identified by name Punarnava in India. Ayurvedic texts immensely praise the medicinal properties of this plant.

It is called as Punarnava (Punar + nava). Punar means once again, nava means - becoming new. This plant rejuvenates liver and detoxifies it. It clears the lungs and reduces cough, asthma etc. It rejuvenates male reproductive system and acts as an aphrodisiac. This increases libido, erection and quality and quantity of semen. It is used in Vajikarana preparations. It detoxifies skin and clears it of infections. This plant cleanses the kidneys and helps to get rid of renal calculi (kidney stones). Thus the plant punarnava acts on all important organ systems and rejuvenate them, giving a new life . Hence the name punarnava.

The juice of this plant has varied taste. It tastes sweet, bitter and astringent. Ayurveda acharyas indicate the properties of this plant as light (laghu) , dry (Ruksha) and hot potency (ushna veerya). All parts of this plant are used in ayurvedic herbal preparations.

Medicinal properties of Punarnava or Boerhavia diffusa

According to texts of ayurveda this plant alleviates all three doshas.

In Arthritis: It helps to reduce inflammation and pain in joints .
In Indigestion: Punarnava acts as a carminative, increases appetite, digests ama and reduces abdominal pain. It also relieves constipation.
In cough: It helps to reduce productive cough and asthma
Impotence: Seeds of this plant are used in Vajikarana Preparations. It increases hard erections and quality and quantity of semen. It rejuvenates male reproductive system.
In Skin Diseases: It is very useful in skin diseases like scabies. It is considered as an excellent natural remedy for guinea worms
In Anaemia: This plant combined with other herbal ingredients help in treating anemia
In Renal diseases: It acts as a diuretic and is used in ayurvedic preparations for renal calculi (kidney stone), Cystis and nephritis.
In liver disorders: Punarnava is widely used to rejuvenate liver and detoxify it. It helps in jaundice o r hepatitis. It is employed in Brazilian herbal medicine to stimulate the emptying of the gallbladder and for all types of liver disorders
In menorrhagia: Boerhavia diffusa is used as an active ingredient in ayurvedic preparations for menorrhagia
Body Rejuvenation : It rejuvenates whole body and gives a new life and health (Hence the name Punarnava (New again)). It strengthens the body and normalizes doshas. This helps to boost the immunity to diseases.

According to ayurveda texts the plant punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) has hot potency. It tastes bitter and has the property of dryness. These qualities of punarnava help to reduce kapha and clear the blockage in tissue channels.Thus inflamattions like arthritis, joint pain etc, anaemia, ailments of lungs (like cough, asthama etc), and body pain gets reduced by Punarnava.

Note: Cardiac patients should use this herb under the supervision of a qualified doctor.

Avesta Ayurceutics Gymnema-Natural Herbal Remedies for Fever and Cholesterol Control

Avesta Ayurceutics Gymnema-Natural

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Avesta Ayurceutics Gymnema-Natural Herbal Remedies for Fever and Cholesterol Control

What is Gymnema from Avesta?
Gymnema from Avesta is known as Gymnema Sylvestre scientifically and Meshashringi herb in Sanskrit. The other name gumar for Gymnema literally means the sugar destroyer, which is the primary use of Gymnema. The Ayurvedic Practitioners believe chewing of Gymnema leaves prevents the tongues ability to taste sweet foods; at the same time suppresses glucose absorption from the intestine, thereby controlling the sugar levels in the blood. Gymnema herb has anti-allergic, anti-viral and lipid lowering activity. It is used to treat the diabetes, as it said that few chemicals from Gymnema Sylvestre reduce the sugar present in stomach for absorption, it also improves the insulin level and restrict the excess dietary fat absorption.

Gymnema from Avesta - Natural herbal remedy to maintain normal sugar levels and healthy function of Pancreas

Gymnema from Avesta helps in removing sugar from pancreas, thereby restoring normal pancreatic functions. Here the component naming Gymnemic acid having hypoglycemic effect that raise the insulin level and lowers the blood sugar to treat the diabetes mellitus. Gymnema is also useful in treating swollen glands, cough and fever. Gymnema Sylvestre herbal cure significantly reduces the metabolic effects of sugar by preventing the intestines from absorbing the sugar molecules during the process of digestion. Due to the change in the absorption of sugar, a consequent change in the blood sugar level is observed. It is used from long time in the treatment of water retention, stomach problems and constipation. Recent studies have proven the benefits of Gymnema Sylvestre herb in weight loss and breast cancer, bears radio-protective activity.


It is advised to take one capsule, twice a day or as directed by your physician.


Gymnema from Avesta is not for use by individuals with low blood sugar. Individuals taking oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin may need to adjust their dosages. Not for use during pregnancy. If nursing or taking any prescription drugs, seek the advice of a health professional before using this product. Keep out of reach of children.

Side Effects:

No major side effects have been reported in medical journals.

Benefits of Gymnema from Avesta:

Gymnema from Avesta Ayurceutics is a natural remedy to treat diabetes mellitus.
Avesta Ayurceutics Gymnema herbal cure maintains healthy pancreatic functions and improves functioning.
Avesta Gymnema is very useful in treating swollen gland.
Gymnema Avesta is effective in conditions like Cough and Fever due to its antiviral properties.
Gymnema from Avesta Ayurceutics helps to maintains normal cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Avesta Gymnema also supports healthy liver function.
The sugar destroying property of Gymnema also helps to lose weight.

Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

Asthmatics - Don't Suffer at Altitude!

Asthmatics - Don't Suffer at Altitude!

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Asthmatics - Don't Suffer at Altitude!

Some kinds of exercise cause problems for asthmatics. Activities like climbing and skiing have an additional problem. Not only are there the exercise problems, but the altitude itself can cause an additional challenge of its own.

It is possible that people with asthma are more likely to be affected by altitude sickness. But what is altitude sickness? And why should asthma sufferers be more likely to suffer from it?

Simply put, people who live at lower altitudes can become ill when they visit high areas. They can feel light-headed, suffer from headache, suffer from fatigue, insomnia and palpitations, or experience lack of appetite, diarrhoea and abdominal pain.

One of the most acute collections of symptoms is around breathing difficulties; liquid accumulates in the lungs.

Will altitude affect your asthma?

The conditions are high altitudes are often dry and cold, and these conditions tend to worsen or trigger asthma. If your asthma is triggered by cold conditions, you might find that high altitudes are a problem, as the air temperature usually decreases at higher altitudes.

Bear in mid, though, that fit, healthy people with well-controlled asthma should have no problems coping with high altitudes, provided that they go up slowly. Recognise and accept your limitations. Make sure you have all your medicines with you. You may need to adjust your dose, and to plan your intake before, through and after your activity.

But be careful. In freezing conditions, pressurized inhalers may not work properly. They should be warmed (e.g. in the hands) before use.

Take it easy

Climbing and skiing can be very strenuous exercise and may trigger exercise-induced asthma in some people.

Some kinds of asthma may be eased

If your asthma is triggered by house-dust mites, you may even find that your asthma improves. Surprised? Why should this be? Simply because the house-dust mite cannot survive at altitudes higher than 'the snow line'.

Take time to acclimatize

People with asthma who fly directly into a place that is at high altitude will not have time to acclimatize and may experience problems. So talk to your doctor so that the altitude if you're flying to a high-altitude destination several weeks before you leave. This will allow you time to work out a personal asthma action plan for the trip.

Your plan might involve increasing your preventer treatment for several weeks before the trip to give the airways extra protection. Or measuring peak flow while away to determine how altitude is affecting your lung function. Or even simple things like ensuring that you have enough medication and backup medication.

Take care when exercising

Make sure you feel right at any particular altitude before going higher. If you start feeling breathless, slow down. Drink plenty of water, and eat small snacks often to prevent altitude sickness. And, do tell your fellow climbers and skiers that you're asthmatic.

Remember to take everything in stages, talk to your doctor and keep your medicines to hand, and you should have a better time this winter.

Copyright 2006 David Drinkall

Asthma Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

Asthma Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

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Asthma Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

Asthma in young adults, those in their twenties and thirties is very similar to the childhood asthma. In fact most of the young adults who develop evident symptoms of asthma are those who have remained undiagnosed and therefore untreated in their childhood. Many children who have susceptibility towards chest infections and other bronchial disorders are often termed as bronchial children. They may be having asthma which does not get diagnosed. As adults they show signs and symptoms that can no longer be denied.

When asthma strikes a person in his or her middle ages it is a very different kind of disorder with very different kinds of symptoms and repercussions. Like when a person in his forties gets diagnosed with asthma it is usually non-hereditary and inheritance through the family history plays no role. Generally it is seen that in this stage in life asthma is usually of intrinsic or non-allergic type. Adult asthma is considered to be also more serious than the childhood asthma.

This is because it is more difficult to control and also because the unpredictability factor is very high. Also it strikes the women much more than the men, so there are clear indications that the disease is gender biased. Adults with asthma are more susceptible to allergy of aspirin and related drugs. In fact many times the adult asthma may remain hidden and then one day strike with full fury after getting an allergic reaction to aspirin. Also sulphite reactions, other allergies, chronic sinus problems and nasal polyps are also more common in adults.

Asthma is extremely common in the people as the age advances. In fact there are distinct indications that the frequency of asthma is rising with the advancement of age. Sometimes people do not show symptoms till they are well over sixty five years of age. But it is generally believed that such incidents are rare. Nearly one-third of all asthma cases begin in childhood and the early teens.

There are not many studies to confirm the exact statistics but it is believed that most people who get diagnosed with asthma at a later stage in life may not have been properly diagnosed earlier for asthma. This is because in adults especially in senior citizens the symptoms of coughing and wheezing are also associated with so many other diseases as well.

Another reason for this diagnostic failure in elderly is that the main perception of symptoms of asthma in senior citizens is that of chronic cough with production of mucous, while they may only show sudden bouts of wheezing. And this may be associated with emphysema or chronic bronchitis. But with breathing tests they show clear indications of asthma and respond well to conventional treatments of asthma.

Asthma triggers are very difficult to zero down to, in adults. As the age advances pin pointing them keeps getting more and more difficult. These triggers are also mostly associated with respiratory tract infections and air pollutants. As the age advances considerably there is a lot of confusing signals given out by the patients that may make the diagnoses difficult further still. Asthma symptoms may also be manifesting in the form of tightness in the chest, shortness of breath or cough.

Asthma Natural Treatment - Lifestyle & Home Remedies to Prevent Asthma

Asthma Natural Treatment - Lifestyle & Home Remedies to Prevent Asthma

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Asthma Natural Treatment - Lifestyle & Home Remedies to Prevent Asthma

Asthma is a clinical syndrome characterised by wheezing and paroxysmal dysponea due to increased resistance to the flow of air through the narrowed bronchi. Narrowing of bronchi is due to the spasm of the bronchial smooth muscles, oedema of the bronchial mucosa, infiltration and blockage by mucus within the bronchial lumen.Asthma occurs in response to triggers likeallergen, exposure to an environmental stimulant, cold air, emotional stress, exercise, viral infection etc. The underlying cause of asthma is not known.

An acute asthma attack is caused by the inflammation in the airways of the lungs resulting in contraction and narrowing of the bronchioles which restrict the airflow and make breathing difficult. It is followed by frequent asthma attacks needing extensive medical management for prevention of acute attacks. Wide arrays of drugs and dosage forms have been developed to control and prevent asthma symptoms, to reduce the frequency and severity of asthma exacerbations and reverse the airflow obstructions.

Quick relief medications includeshort acting 2 agonists, methyl xanthenes, leukotriene modifiers, immunoglobulin E, antibody blocker (Omalizumab) and other antibiotics but there is a concern about the use of inhaled corticosteroids as patients fear long term side effects such asosteoporosis and stunned growth in children. Even after regular use of inhaled corticosteroids, there is no improvement in the condition of the patient but in Ayurveda, asthma can be controlled by lifestyle and home remedies. People are looking for alternative treatment which can cure the disease from the root and Ayurveda has the power to cure the diseases from the root without causing any side effects.

Asthma is an inflammatory disease with airway hypo-responsiveness leading to recurring episodes of wheezing, cough and chest tightness. In developed countries, asthma is affecting up to 1 in 4 urban children from this non-communicable respiratory disease. The prevalence of asthma is increasing with growing urbanisation. Asthma accounts for approximately 4500 deaths and 4,65,000 hospitalisations and estimated 1.8 million emergency room visits. In India, asthma affects 15-20 million people. It is an important cause of morbidity.

Asthma according to Ayurveda

Asthma is known as Tamak-Shvasa in ancient Ayurvedic system of medicine. The Doshas involved in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma areVata, Pitta and Kapha. It develops when Kapha dosha in the body increases, undigested material (Ama), coming in contact with air containing irritant gases, dust, pollens or smoke, cold water, residing in cold and damp places.
Ayurveda states that there are three types of asthma based on doshasair element (dry type asthma), fire element (infection type asthma) and water element (congestion type asthma). Ayurvedic physicians confirm the diagnosis by a detailed case history of the patient and an objective examination is done to determine the imbalances between various constituents. Ayurvedic line of treatment in asthmatic attack is usually

Removal of svasarvarodha (obstruction of respiratory passage) by eliminating Kapha.
Srotoshuddhiremoval of broncho-constriction caused by Vata.

What are the symptoms of Asthma

Chest tightness
Shortness of breath
Dark black in front of the eyes
Chest tightness

Lifestyle and Home Remedies for Asthma:

Local application of any balm containing Eucalyptus oil, clove oil or cinnamon oil on the chest or at the back also helps in improving stamina.
5 grams of Amla (Indian gooseberry) or dry powder of amla mixed with 1 teaspoonful of honey forms an effective medicinal expectorant and tonic. It must be consumed regularly.
During the attack, rub mustard oil mixed with camphor on the chest. This will loosen up the phlegm and ease in breathing.
A teaspoon of bitter gourd (karela) root is mixed with an equal amount of honey or juice of the holy basil (tulsi) is an excellent expectorant and is a useful remedy for asthma. Taking this preparation for 1 month is quite beneficial.
Dry figs (Anjeer) helps in clearing the mucous from bronchial tubes and therefore a valuable remedy for asthma.
Take warm milk boiled with garlic at night before sleep.

Treatment of Asthma by Planet Ayurveda

Herbs have always been the highly esteemed source of medicine throughout the human history. About 25-30 % of todays prescription of drugs contain chemical moieties derived from the plants. Asthma care pack by Planet Ayurveda is a herbal formulation which is designed judiciously for the proper care of respiratory tract. The herbs used also possess concomitant properties likeanti-oxidants to support the digestive, cardiac and nerve functions in addition to expectorant as well as soothing herbs.

Asthma care pack -Asthma natural treatment

Aller-G care
Praanrakshak Churna
Tulsi Capsules

Aller-G care is a natural product manufactured by Planet Ayurveda which is the combination of powerful herbsAshwagandha (Withania somnifera), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Haridra (Curcuma longa) and Shirish (Albizzia lebbock).

Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily.

Praanrakshak Churna

Praanrakshak Churan is a wonderful herbal formulation by Planet Ayurveda. It contains the goodness of herbs such asShirish (Albezzia lebbock), Vasa (Adhatoda vasica), Anantmool (Tylphora asthmatica), Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanica), Bharangi (Clerodendrum serratum) and Madhuyashti (Glycorrhiza glabra).

Dosage: 1 teaspoon twice daily.

Tulsi Capsules

Tulsi capsules of Planet Ayurveda are packed with pure extract of best quality Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum).

Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily.

Lifestyle Management & Diet

Stay away from pollen, dust or the factors that trigger the attack.  Mustard oil, old jaggery, soups, honey, barley, lukewarm water, dates can be included in diet. Avoid sour, fried substances, cold water, bananas, milk and milk products in the diet. Take light dinner. Avoid eating curd, ice-creams especially during night

Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

Asthma Learn How To Measure Your Breathing Level Using The Measurement Pause

Asthma Learn How

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Asthma Learn How To Measure Your Breathing Level Using The Measurement Pause

Asthma is a terrible disease that has victims from all over the world and nobody seems to be immune from this disease. In my article I am going to outline the following breathing test that will give you a simple measurement of your breathing level. It is easy to do, and can be done by anyone over the age of 4 years. Please follow the instructions, and hold only until you a feel the desire for a breath. Do not hold as long as you can.

This breathing test is called a Measurement Pause. The role of this test is to measure your sensitivity to the build-up of carbon dioxide as you are holding your breath. When you close off your nose, and keep your mouth closed, all of the carbon dioxide you produce in your body is trapped inside. Once the amount trapped reaches to the level you are used to, you will feel the desire to take a breath. The measurement is timing how long this takes you to fell the desire to take a breath. The longer it takes, the higher your tolerance for carbon dioxide. The significance of this measurement will be explained later.

It is important to begin the test with your breathing in the same place each time. The simplest way to do this is to take a normal breath in, and then allow a gentle, unforced breath out. This allows you to feel that your lungs or not full or empty, but comfortable. If you have any confusion, simply breathe in gently for the count of 3, then out gently for the count of 2. The next step is to use your forefinger and thumb to pinch your nostrils closed. Obviously your mouth will be kept closed during this test.

Once you have pinched your nostrils, simply hold your breath until you feel the desire for a breath. Do not hold as long as you can - that is a different measurement. We are looking for the time it takes for your carbon dioxide to build to the point that your brain senses the higher level, and gives you the sensation that you would like a breath.

Let's go over it once more then you should do an actual Measurement. It is a gentle breath in, an unforced breath out, pinch your nose, and hold until you want a breath. Time how long in seconds it takes for you to want a breath. After you have done this test, breathe very gently thru your nose. Do your first Measurement Pause now!

What does your score mean?

Some severe sufferers of Asthma and poor breathing can last less than 5 seconds. If you lasted less than 15 seconds it is likely that you often suffer at least moderate asthma. A mild sufferer may reach around 20 seconds. If you do suspect Asthma always consult your physician for thorough assessment.

Here is the interesting part. The simple training method designed by Dr Buteyko over 50 years ago can alter your breathing so that you can easily last more than 25 seconds. Once you have reached this level asthma usually just disappears. Major improvements in other conditions such as migraine, hay-fever, and emphysema also occur. It happens so consistently that Certified Buteyko Instructors offer a full guarantee of improvement or your money back. The Buteyko Breathing Method training course was originally designed for high blood pressure.

Asthma In Dogs - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Asthma In Dogs - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

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Asthma In Dogs - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Although it is a rare occurrence, dogs can and do come down with asthma. Symptoms of asthma in dogs typically include coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, which are the same symptoms that humans experience. If your pet is showing these signs, getting in touch with your veterinarian for an exam and diagnosis is the next step.

How is asthma in dogs diagnosed?

To determine if your canine has this lung disease, the veterinarian must first rule out other diseases. These may include:

- Kennel cough Infection

- Trachea collapse

- Paralyzed larynx

- Cardiovascular disease Heart

- Lung worms Fungus

- Lung tumors

First, your dog will undergo a physical examination conducted by the vet, who may then order a chest x-ray and bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy involves retrieving a tissue sample to be analyzed under a microscope. After testing is completed and if no other reasons for your dog's symptoms can be found, the diagnosis is usually asthma. You vet will prescribe asthma medications for your pet to see of these improve symptoms. If they do, then it is a good probability your dog has asthma.

How is it treated?

The goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms and keep your pet healthy. If your dog is diagnosed with asthma, treatment will consist of:

Antihistamines - Reduces mucus in the airways Steroids - To control inflammation Bronchodilators - Help to reduce the swelling associated with an asthma attack Any combination of the above

These medications can be taken in pill form or inhaled. The inhaled form is given via a mask that is put over the dog's muzzle (mouth) and nose. The prescribed amount of medication is squeezed into the spacer while your dog inhales. The dosage prescribed by your vet is individual to your canine. Dosages may need to be adjusted until the right amount, or combination of medications is found.

In the event of a severe asthma attack, you may need to give your dog an injection of epinephrine. This is a rapid acting treatment that quickly reduces the inflammation and swelling associated with asthma attacks. Your vet will give you full instructions on how to give this life-saving injection to your dog in case it is needed.

Asthma in dogs is a highly treatable condition. When you know the warning signs of an attack and treat the symptoms early, you can prevent the attack from getting out of control and possibly save your pet's life.

Asthma Cure - Herbs and Ayurvedic Remedies, Asthma Home Remedy

Asthma Cure - Herbs and Ayurvedic Remedies, Asthma Home Remedy

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Asthma Cure - Herbs and Ayurvedic Remedies, Asthma Home Remedy

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorder in which the inner lining of the respiratory tract becomes inflamed. Alternatively it could be blocked with a layer of mucus or could become constricted due to some other reason. All these factors could lead to severe problems in respiration, which could even result in death of the person.

Though asthma is a chronic disorder, it does not manifest itself all the time. It is exacerbated by certain triggers, which can lead to the bouts of respiratory problems, known as asthmatic attacks. During an asthmatic attack, there is severe difficulty in breathing, characterized by wheezing, gasping, shortness of breath and inability of speech. Generally an attack does not last more than a few minutes. However, a severe attack could kill within those few moments the attack lasts.

The exact cause of asthma is not known. But in asthmatic people, the attacks are caused due to some environmental factors to which they are allergic. There are many allergenic factors in the environment such as dust, hair, pollen, lint, smoke, cigarette smoke, perfumes, deodorants and many others. When such an allergen is present in the environment of the person whose respiratory tract is inflamed, the person develops a violent reaction. This is known as an asthmatic attack.

Asthma is known as Shwaasa roga in Ayurveda. There are five main types of asthma in Ayurveda: tamaka shwaasa roga, urdhwa shwaasa roga, chinna shwaasa roga, maha shwaasa roga and kshudra shwaasa roga. All these kinds of shwaasa roga are due to vitiation of vata and kapha doshas. The main types of vata that are vitiated are the praana vata and the udaana vata.

(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Asthma

- Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum)
Aniseed is useful in the treatment of asthma due to its expectorant properties.

- Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna)
The bark of the arjuna plant has benefits in the treatment of asthma. It is taken in a powder form sprinkled on the preparation of rice and condensed milk known as kheer.

- Asafetida (Ferula fetida)
Along with whooping cough and bronchitis, asafetida is also useful in the treatment of asthma. For better results, its gum is taken in a mixture with honey.

- Bay Berry (Myrica nagi)
Bay berry bark is effective in the treatment of asthma. It can be taken in the form of either a decoction or a powder.

- Bishop's Weed (Trachyspermum ammi)
Bishop's weed is an expectorant. It can relieve dried up phlegm within the respiratory tract. It can be taken with buttermilk for best results.

- Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum)
Black nightshade can remove the catarrh and phlegm deposited in the bronchial tubes. Its fruits are taken for the remedy.

- Celery (Apium graveolens)
Celery has antispasmodic properties; hence it is beneficial in the treatment of asthma. Either the herb itself or its seeds can be used for the purpose.

- Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
Clove has expectorant properties; hence it is effective in the treatment of asthma.

- Garlic (Allium sativum)
Regular use of garlic can reduce the severity of asthmatic attacks.

- Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger is used in treatment of asthma due to its expectorant properties.

(2) Dietary Treatments for Asthma

The following dietary guidelines must be followed in order to reduce asthma:-

- Sour foods such as curd and buttermilk must be avoided.

- Cold fruits such as bananas, guavas, watermelons and papayas are very risky as they can build up phlegm in the bronchial tubes.

- Fried and pungent foods must be avoided.

- Dry grapes are beneficial in asthmatic patients.

(3) Ayurvedic Treatment for Asthma

Sitopaladi choorna is a very common medicine taken by asthmatic patients. It is to be taken thrice or four times a day, mixed with honey. One alternative to sitopaladi choorna is the pippaladi choorna.

Agastya rasayana is another popular medicine which is prepared with Chebulic Myroblan as its main ingredient. Along with Chyavanprasha, it is commonly prescribed to asthmatic patients.

There are some specific Ayurvedic preparations that are prescribed in order to reduce the attacks of asthma immediately. These are Shwasa Kaasa Chintamani rasa, Suwarna Pushpasuga rasa, Kanakasava, etc.

(4) Home Medications

- Mix a couple of leaves of the holy basil with honey and consume them every morning. This is a very effective remedy to keep asthmatic attacks away.

- When an attack is about to come, then chewing on some leaves of the holy basil mixed with rock salt.

- In order to clean the respiratory tract, roast gram and have them with milk just before going to bed.

- Grind some turmeric (use old turmeric for better results). Mix one teaspoonful of this powder with one tablespoonful of honey (again, the honey must be as old as possible). This is to be taken orally. This recipe is believed to work even when all other methods fail.

- For asthma in the early stages, it is beneficial to chew on some black pepper before going to bed.

- For temporary relief from asthmatic attacks, mix some leaves of the holy basil with black pepper and consume them.

- One more remedy is to mix some lemon juice with ginger and consume it once a day.

- Chewing a single fruit of the Chebulic Myroblan (harad) every night will give tremendous relief from asthmatic attacks.

- Boil six cloves in half a cup of water. Take a teaspoonful of this decoction with honey thrice a day.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

Asthma Attack - Find Out What Is Really Happening When You Or a Loved One Have One

Asthma Attack - Find Out What Is Really Happening When You Or a Loved One Have One

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Asthma Attack - Find Out What Is Really Happening When You Or a Loved One Have One

Having an asthma attack can be a very frightening experience, especially for children. Approximately 30,000 people have an asthma attack every day in the US. And an average of 11 people die every day.

So what causes an asthma attack or even what is asthma? Having asthma means that your airways or breathing tubes going to your lungs are very sensitive to certain things. These things are called your asthma triggers and can be anything such as dust mites, molds, pollen, smoke, certain foods, weather, weather changes, stress etc.

Coming into contact with any of these triggers causes bad things to happen to your airways. This is the first step toward having an asthma attack. Here are the 3 bad things that can happen:

1. The insides of your airways begin to swell up and become very sensitive. This leaves less room for air to get back and forth to your lungs when you breathe. It also causes you to cough.

2. The muscles around the outsides of your airways start to get real tight. They try to squeeze your airways shut. This makes your airways smaller, which means that there is even less room for air to get through to your lungs.

3. The insides of your airways start to fill with what I call gunk or what others might call mucus or phlegm. This starts to plug up your already small airways which makes it even harder to breathe. Every time you cough, some of this gunk comes out.

Every asthma attack you have can be different. So sometimes those 3 bad things can be very mild and other times they can be very severe. They might also happen very slowly one time and very quickly another time.

How long those things last can also be different every time. They might stop when you are no longer exposed to your triggers or they might last several days.

Those 3 things are all happening to your airways or breathing tubes. Once they start to get bad enough, then you will start to have what are called your typical asthma symptoms. These are the things that we associate with having an asthma attack and they are listed below:

1. Coughing - with your now irritated and sensitive airways, you will be coughing quite a bit. And there will be gunk coming up when you do.

2. Wheezing - this is sort of a whistling sound, usually when you breathe out. This is from your airways being much smaller than normal.

3. Tightness in the chest - this can sometimes be painful also. It is from the muscles around your airways getting so tight.

4. Shortness of breath - you just can't take a normal breath while those 3 things are happening.

When those 3 things happening to your airways are bad, then these asthma symptoms will also get bad. It is not unusual for them to get so bad that you can't breathe. If you have an inhaler, the medication will attempt to make your airways big enough so that you can breathe more normally.

Asthma symptoms are pretty much the same for all asthma types except for cough variant asthma. With this type of asthma, your only symptom will be a very bad cough. And this cough will be a dry cough with none of the gunk being present.

It can also be a very loud cough that is sometimes referred to as a barking cough. And the worst thing is that this cough can sometimes last for weeks. Because there are no other asthma symptoms present, this type of asthma often goes undiagnosed.

Knowing what is happening during an asthma attack should help you to keep from panicking. Getting stressed out can make your symptoms even worse. It is important to do what you can to help someone who is having an attack to try and stay as relaxed as possible.

In those rare cases when your inhaler isn't working like it usually does, you might be having an acute asthma attack. If that happens, then it is very important that you seek immediate medical attention. Don't wait and hope that it will get better. An acute asthma attack can be a life and death situation.

Asthma and Cough (Asthma Cough)

Asthma and Cough (Asthma Cough)

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Asthma and Cough (Asthma Cough)

Today I would like to discuss a very distressing symptom that many Asthmatics experience, and that is coughing (Asthma Cough) and being unable to take their inhalers.
This can sometimes occur in the winter time with the Asthmatic waking up in the middle of the night coughing or first thing in the morning. A sharp drop in the temperature of the room overnight can cause this; one way of combating the problem is to have a small heater on low in the bedroom each night, thus keeping the room at an even temperature. On saying that please making sure it is a heater that is completely safe and has a good energy rating. Also make sure that the room has no draughts and that the curtains are closed, so the heat does not escape.

However, there can be other causes for coughing, but firstly lets look at what a cough is A cough is a sudden, explosive exhalation of air. The function of a cough is to clear material from the airways. Coughing is a familiar but reasonable complicated reflex and is one way in which the lungs and airways are protected.
Coughing only occurs when the airways are irritated
Respiratory infections, either bacterial or viral can irritate the airways and are a common cause of coughing.
Allergies are a big cause of irritation to the airways as well and may cause postnasal drip, in which nasal secretions drain down the back of the nose into the throat and sometimes into the trachea and other airways, where they produce irritation resulting in Coughing. Many Asthmatics have continuous Post Nasal Drip.
Coughing may also result from gastroesophageal reflux, in which stomach or oesophageal contents flow backward from the oesophagus into the trachea and airways, producing irritation.
We would advise you see expert advice from Your Medical Practitioner/Respiratory Physician regarding the cause of your cough and a management plan tailored to suit you.
I invite you to go to my new blog on Asthma and take a look; you will find so much information there, plus a store where you can INVEST in YOUR HEALTH or the HEALTH OF YOUR FAMILY. (See resource box for details)
Thats all I have for you today on
I wish you and yours the best of Health!
It is important to note that information contained in this post is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Any questions regarding a medical diagnosis or treatment should be directed to a medical practitioner.

Asthma - Cough Symptoms Of Asthma

Asthma - Cough Symptoms Of Asthma

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Asthma - Cough Symptoms Of Asthma

Asthma (Az-muh) is a chronic disease that affects your airways. The airways are the tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs. If you have asthma, the inside walls of your airways are inflamed (swollen). The inflammation (IN-fla-MAY-shun) makes the airways very sensitive, and they tend to react strongly to things that you are allergic to or find irritating. When the airways react, they get narrower, and less air flows through to your lung tissue. This causes symptoms like wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), coughing, chest tightness, and trouble breathing, especially at night and in the early morning.

Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system in which the airway occasionally constricts, becomes inflamed, and is lined with excessive amounts of mucus, often in response to one or more triggers. In children, the most common triggers are viral illnesses such as those that cause the common cold.This airway narrowing causes symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. The airway constriction responds to bronchodilators.

Asthma affects a person's bronchial (pronounced: brahn-kee-ul) tubes, also known as airways. When a person breathes normally, air is taken in through the nose or mouth and then goes into the trachea (windpipe), passing through the bronchial tubes, into the lungs, and finally back out again. But people with asthma have airways that are inflamed.

Cough Symptoms of Asthma

Frequent Cough: All of us cough once in a while when we have a tickle or breathe in something irritating. It's our body's way of keeping our air passages clear. But, if you cough many times every day or find yourself waking up at night with a cough or a tickle that won't quit, it could be a symptom of asthma.
Shortness of breath: You are said to be short of breath when your chest feels tight and you have the sensation that you can't catch your breath or get all the air you need. Some people feel panicky when they are short of breath.

Asthma coughs, on the other hand, are most often dry coughs caused by bronchial spasms. Since there's nothing to bring up, there's no way for an asthma cough to be 'productive', though you may hear rattling or 'crinkling' sounds if you listen to the chest of a child when they cough.

In some people with mild asthma, a cough is the only symptom. There are scientifically proven natural herbal formulas that have been developed to provide gentle, safe and effective natural relief from the respiratory symptoms of asthma. If you have a more advanced asthma condition, and if you are dissatisfied with the outcome of other treatments or preventive measures, you will benefit most from a combination of natural remedies.
Asthma and eosinophilic bronchitis can be treated with inhaled corticosteroids, which combat inflammation in the airways to reduce asthma symptoms.

Asthma with children or even adults who may only cough and show no wheezing.

Stomach acid coming back up the gullet and spilling over into the windpipe referred as gastro-oesophageal reflux.

Medicines used in heart disease called angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) matters.

Bacterial or viral infections in the lungs, for example, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, croup in children.
Asthma coughs, on the other hand, are most often dry coughs caused by bronchial spasms. Since there's nothing to bring up, there's no way for an asthma cough to be 'productive', though you may hear rattling or 'crinkling' sounds if you listen to the chest of a child when they cough. There are two basic types of coughs, chest coughs and dry coughs.

Senin, 26 Maret 2018

Are You Being Safe Know Whats In Your E Liquid

Are You Being Safe Know Whats In Your E Liquid

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Are You Being Safe Know Whats In Your E Liquid

Are You Being Safe? Know Whats In Your E Liquid

When you put even a little time into studying the differences between cigarettes and e-cigarettes, you will find at least one fact that stands out: E-cigarettes are cigarettes.

The scariest thing about e-liquid: the juice that is burned to form the smoke, is the lack of serious regulation. According to the above article, that means whats on the label is not necessarily what you get, or dont get.

Nicotine is one example of what you are likely to get even when the label says you dont.

There are also concerns about the manufacturing standards by which some e-liquids are produced. Some E Liquid Manufacturing is done in clean rooms that meet the highest standards, ISO 14644 certified to be precise.

As far as safety, there are two questions that have to be addressed: Are e-cigarettes safe in general, and is the e-liquid safe that you happen to be using?

The first question is easy.

E-cigs are safer than the traditional cigarettes they replace. So if you are already a smoker, moving to e-cigarettes is a good move for you, the people around whom you smoke, and the environment.

The answer to the second question requires quite a bit more thought:


Nicotine does not cause cancer. It is a naturally occurring substance. Then again, the same can be said about a tobacco leaf. However, nicotine is quite addictive. Smoking is largely a nicotine delivery system. That is just as true for e-cigarettes.

Then again, the same can be said about a tobacco leaf. However, nicotine is quite addictive. Smoking is largely a nicotine delivery system. That is just as true for e-cigarettes.

However, nicotine is quite addictive. Smoking is largely a nicotine delivery system. That is just as true for e-cigarettes.

But smokers do not simply ingest nicotine. They heat it up first. That is where things get chemically interesting.

The level of heat creates chemical reactions that produce formaldehyde, a known carcinogen. This is a particular danger with tank systems that get very hot, very quickly.

Even if you wanted an e-liquid without nicotine, you have to do some research. The product label can be misleading.

No nicotine does not mean there is no nicotine. In the same way, non-alcoholic beer usually contains alcohol. Reduce carcinogens by reducing the heat.

Reduce carcinogens by reducing the heat.


The majority of e-liquid is what makes up the base. It is the same set of chemicals you find in inhalers and cough medicine. The two main chemicals are:

Propylene glycol (PG) It is deemed safe. And is also used to make fog at rock concerts.
Vegetable glycerin (VG) It is the food-grade liquid responsible for most of the vaping cloud.


What flavor do you prefer? Do you like a rich, buttery taste? Or do you prefer cherries?

Some manufacturers use food flavoring. Those are fine. Others use oil-based flavoring which should be avoided.

Diacetyl is another type to be avoided as it can be hazardous. It is used to impart a buttery flavor.

Some flavors such as cinnamon, spearmint, and citrus have been known to crack or even melt plastic when heated. Be sure you have the right kind of device for the flavor you choose.

The warning here is as with many things, make sure you know what you are getting. Nicotine, PG, VG, and flavoring are mostly what you get in e-liquid. But it all comes down to the details.

Read the label on your e-liquid. Then dig a little deeper. Be sure you e-liquid of choice comes from a reputable manufacturer. They are not all created equally.

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Are You and Your Child Ready for Potty Training

Are You and Your Child Ready for Potty Training

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Are You and Your Child Ready for Potty Training

Are you really ready? Is your child really ready? 

Stop right there, and wait. Though this is a relatively straightforward process, whichever of the methods you choose, many parents have failed at the first hurdle because they didnt check to make sure that both they and their little one were truly ready to make this massive change.

Though 3-days potty training method is a simple and often fun task, if it is undertaken too early and without suitable plans in place for this entire process you are setting yourself up to fail and neither you as a parent, nor your child need to have this make you feel that way. Failure just makes you both miserable, and guarantees a long drawn out agony for you both trying to achieve your goal. 

Remember, you will be completely changing the way a child does their business you have been telling them for months, possibly even years that the place to pee and poop is in their diaper, and all of a sudden you are now telling them that they need to do it somewhere completely different.

This can be a difficult concept for your child to grasp, and confusion can cause stubbornness and fear. Then there is the issue of them having to learn to know when they need to go which is a whole new ball game entirely.

Especially for those of you who have been using disposable diapers your child has possibly never really even felt the effects of being wet due to the ultra-dry surfaces and the quick diaper changes that you as parents can undertake these days. 

This can, I think, make it a lot tougher for todays toddlers to be aware of their own bodily functions, and the difference between feeling wet and dry that they need to be aware of to make this process happen easily and it possibly why children just arent ready to come out of diapers as early as maybe our parents or grandparents are telling us we and our parents were. 

When I was younger, the only option was a terry toweling diaper, and I have vivid memories of it trailing behind me when sodden, and it being a most unpleasant sensation (I would like to point out that my Mum changed me very regularly, but I had a tendency to wander off on adventures and so when they finally caught up with me I would often be in a bit of a state!).

We were motivated to get out of our diapers in a way that todays toddlers arent we understood wet and smelly and squelchy! Interestingly enough in less well-off parts of the world where they still use linen diapers and dont use disposable nappies children are potty trained much younger than our children are ready to be but that isnt a criticism of either way. Things are what they are and the most important thing to establish before you try and become a diaper free household is whether or not you are all completely ready for the effort that will be involved to make that happen. 

A fully potty trained child is one who can recognize when they need to go and is capable of using the potty or toilet, and dress and undress themselves to do so.  This does not, however, mean that they will never have accidents.

When a toddler is excited, or over tired it can be easy to make mistakes much like we do so go easy on them and yourself if they arent 100% dry and clean immediately! 

Bearing this in mind, potty training cannot be achieved until certain key criteria have been reached as a part of the childs actual physical development ignore this warning at your peril many an attempt at this has failed due to inadequate preparation, not waiting until your child shows

ALL signs and signals of being ready, and parents not taking into consideration the effects that life events that may be occurring might have in the process. Make it easy for you and your child wait until you do. Save yourself the heartache of failed attempts, and feeling like you just arent doing a good enough job as a parent you are.

Are Bacterial Sinus Infections Contagious

Are Bacterial Sinus Infections Contagious

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Are Bacterial Sinus Infections Contagious

As most people know, bacterial and viral infections are contagious, and so you might wonder, are bacterial sinus infections contagious? The answer to this question is NO; bacterial type sinus infections are not contagious. Sinus related infections occur when the sinuses are inflamed and do not heal quickly. On the contrary, these bacteria multiply uncontrollably resulting in a bacterial sinus related infection. Therefore, the transmission of the disease from one person to another is impossible. What you should know is that, a common cold which usually succeeds a sinus infection is highly contagious.

If you think you are suffering from a bacterial sinus related infection, and then it is natural for you to ask, are bacterial sinus infections contagious? First and foremost, you must be able to determine if it really is a bacterial type infection since it can also be confused with other viral infections as the symptoms are sometimes very similar to each other.

* Fever
* Severe headache
* Sore throat
* Pain in the teeth
* Bad breath
* Nasal congestion and discharge
* Cough
* Facial pain
* Sneezing
* Tenderness in the cheekbones

Upon knowing the symptoms, you still might ask, are bacterial sinus infections contagious? The answer is still NO. What you need to take note of is how persistent your symptoms are, particularly your cold, cough and runny nose. If you notice the above symptoms, then it is time for you to consult a doctor or an ENT. Your doctor will conduct physical examinations and tests such as ultrasound and CT scan to diagnose bacterial based infection.

A course of antibiotics can also cure sinus based infections. Decongestants, on the other hand, can help you clear your nasal congestion, whereas paracetamol can provide you relief from the pain and headache. Are bacterial sinus infections contagious? Well, if you are still thinking that it is contagious, you may want to consider other treatment methods as well such as a sinus surgery to remove the nasal polyps and improve the flow of air within your nasal cavities. Hot compress to the affected region is an effective home remedy as well. Steam and nasal irrigation can be very helpful in clearing nasal congestion too.

Are bacterial sinus infections contagious? No it is not. However, to make you stop from thinking if it is contagious, prevention is the best solution. Remember to maintain cleanliness and proper hygiene to avoid acquiring any kind of infections. Do not forget to wash your hands before meals and take a bath regularly. Aside from that, if you are aware that you have a weak immune system, then you should stay away from those suffering from viral infections like cold. If in case you developed any symptoms of allergies, make sure to get an immediate treatment. Last but not the least; try to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle as much as possible. Knowing all these, you will be able to answer your own question - are bacterial sinus infections contagious?

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

Anxiety Cough What You Need to Know

Anxiety Cough What You Need to Know

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Anxiety Cough What You Need to Know

Justin is 15 years of age and suffers from anxiety. The thought of going to his cousin's place on the weekend makes his heart pound faster and his palms sweat. Justin also has a cough which starts with a tickle at the back of the throat. When Justin coughs it seems that he is trying to expel something from his chest. It is bizarre as the cough only lasts for the period that Justin is suffering from his anxiety episodes.

Research has shown that there is a correlation between anxiety and an intermittent cough. When a person suffers from the anxiety they usually have problems with the way they breathe due to the impact the anxiety causes on their lungs. When a person is experiencing an anxiety episode their breathing is usually short and rapid which reduces the space in the airways causing the body to cough. The body reacts with a cough as it tries to expand the airways to allow greater volumes of air to be inhaled into the body.

A cough caused by anxiety may also occur because the body enters into a flight or fight mode in response to a perceived danger (anxiety event). During the fight or flight response mode, the body acts quickly suppressing body functions that are not needed to deal with the anxiety episode. Energy is directed to those organs, muscles and glands that are perceived to be in direct danger. This is a fantastic response system when the perceived danger is occasional however with someone who suffers from anxiety, the perceived threat is always constant.This has an adverse effect on the immune system, as it is suppressed during an anxiety episode and is not needed in the flight or fight mode. A suppressed immune system allows for bacteria and viruses to enter the body and take hold which is why an anxiety cough may be present during anxiety episodes and may linger longer than is expected.

A third reason why a cough is present during anxiety episodes lies with a nerve that runs from the brainstem to the internal organs of the body. This nerve is called the Vagus nerve and is directly responsible for providing nerve fibres to the throat, lungs and heart. It also transports sensory information from the throat to the brain. Because the vagus nerve is part of the nervous system it is impacted during an anxiety episode as it is over stimulated. An over stimulated Vagus nerve causes adverse problems in the lungs, and throat which result in a dry or a nervous cough.

Overcoming an Anxiety Cough

The main problem with an anxiety cough lies in the learnt behaviours that has occurred over many years with a person's breathing patterns. As you are suffering from an anxiety episode, your breathing is usually rapid and short. This type of breathing is non-productive and is the polar opposite response you want when you are trying to calm your body down. The key to controlling your anxiety response is to control your breathing. This can be tough and requires many hours of retraining of the mind to breath in through the nose and out through the mouth slowly and in a controlled manner. The goal should be to breathe in through the nose for a 5-second count. Then hold for two seconds and then breathe out through pursed lips for a 7-second count. A tip that may assist you with this breathing process is jogging as jogging trains the body to breathe in and out in a controlled manner.

Reducing your exposure to the anxiety event is another way to reduce an anxiety cough. In Justin's situation, he could simply not go to his cousins place which would reduce his anxiety episode. This is not always possible as every situation that causes anxiety in life cannot always be avoided. If Justin was to not go to his cousins place it may be perceived as being rude because his cousin is family. There is research that shows that confronting you anxiety head on is the best way to overcome your anxiety episode. If this approach was to be considered then it is recommended that it is done under the guidance of a health professional that has an understanding of anxiety exposure therapy.

It is important to note that although an anxiety cough is problematic it is not a serious health issue. It does usually disappear once the anxiety episode has passed.

Anti Aging Herbs For Memory Enhancement

Anti Aging Herbs For Memory Enhancement

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Anti Aging Herbs For Memory Enhancement

It has been though estimated that by the year 2020 the problem of senility and Alzheimer's disease will totally affect 14 million Americans..

What there good is living to be over the 100 years of age if we just have lost our minds at 65? Becoming a nation of caregivers thus for the aged would not benefit society or the government. Our brain, like any or other organ in our body, that needs to get proper nourishment, have further toxins removed, exercised, and get the really proper amount of rest in order to function properly. Some herbs have shown the total ability in helping prevent and also in some cases treat or even that reverse memory loss.


Ginkgo is also called the duck foot tree and was found in China during the late 18th century. A French study conducted in the 1980s showed that women taking 600 mg of Ginkgo a day showed short-term memory improvement. It is also believed to improve circulation, and helps with sight and hearing loss. Ginkgo is also a good blood thinner and anyone taking blood thinners or aspirin should consult with their doctor prior to starting any treatment that uses Ginkgo.

Lycium or Lycii Berries.

The Chinese Herbalists have used lyceum berries, also known as Chinese Wolfberry, since the 1st century AD for improving the circulation, removing toxins from your liver and kidneys. Lycium berries are also rich in antioxidants, which can neutralize free radical by pairing up or binding with the free radical elections thus inhibiting them from damaging cells in the human body. They are also used to treat dizziness, ringing in the ears, blurred vision. The root of the Lycium plant is used to relieve cough, wheezing, high blood pressure, and reduce fever.

Blueberry and Blackberries.

Blueberries and Blackberries contain a large quantity of antioxidants, which may help reduce the effect age related memory problems. They contain a chemical called anthocyanins which are very powerful antioxidants.


Hawthorn has an high concentration of anti-oxidants and can help remove toxins in the brain and can strengthens the blood vessels which helps get oxygen and nutrients transported to the brain.


Shilajit is a powerful antioxidant that is one of the few chemicals that can cross the blood-brain barrier. It has been used for over 3,000 years and has is also called the Destroyer Of Weakness. Shilajit improves memory and the ability to handle stress. Shilajit is found in the Himalayan mountains and has been used by the local residents for centuries. It is not unusually for the people living in that region to live to be over 100 years of age.


Periwinkle helps to improve mental activity by increasing the blood flow to the brain.


Studies have shown that Rutin inhibited the oxidative damage in human red blood cells.


Rosemary stimulated blood circulation and the nervous system and enhances memory and concentration. The ancient Greeks called it the Herb of Memory and they wore a stalk in their hair to increase memory.

Fish Oil.

Fish oil contains omega 3 and fatty acids, which have been shown to stimulate the brain and increase memory and mental awareness.

If you just feel that you need vitamins, supplements or herbs to fight the aging process then find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment.

An Overview Of Acute Asthmatic Bronchitis

An Overview Of Acute Asthmatic Bronchitis

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An Overview Of Acute Asthmatic Bronchitis

The respiratory system is one of the most important systems in the human body. It is the part of the body that distributes oxygen throughout the body in order for it to live. Without it, the body will not be able to survive. This is why it is important for you to always take care of your respiratory system.

However, there are instances where there will be a respiratory disorder. One type of respiratory illness is called bronchitis. Bronchitis is an obstructive pulmonary disorder where the bronchi of the lungs become inflamed. This particular condition is common with tobacco smokers or people living in areas where there is a high level of air pollution.

One type of bronchitis is called acute bronchitis where it is considered to be a short-term bronchitis and can be treated right away. You can tell if you have acute bronchitis if you are suffering from the following signs and symptoms:

- Persistent coughing with mucus
- Shortness of breath (Dyspnea)
- Mild fever
- Fatigue
- Mild chest pains
- Feeling of vibration in the chest when breathing
- Feeling of coldness

If you are suffering from the mentioned signs and symptoms, it is recommended that you should consult your physician immediately in order for them to conduct a diagnosis. The diagnosis will include a physical examination where the physician will listen for your breathing sounds through a stethoscope. They will also have your chest X-rayed for further testing.

Acute bronchitis is commonly caused by viruses infecting the lining of the bronchial tree. The virus can be the same viruses that cause colds. In rare cases, acute bronchitis can be caused by an infection of fungus in the bronchial tree. Bacterial infection is also one of the main causes of acute bronchitis.

Treatment for acute bronchitis can be rather easy to do. If the bronchitis is caused by a virus, it will usually go away after a few days and signs and symptoms of bronchitis will subside. It is only required that you should get plenty of rest until the fever subsides and drink a lot of non-caffeinated and non-alcoholic drink, such as water and juices. It is recommended that you should drink at least 3 to 4 liters a day in order for you to recover faster.

However, if the bronchitis is caused by bacteria, the treatment will include taking antibiotics. It is also recommended that you should increase the humidity in the environment by using room humidifiers or by simply putting wet towels and blankets around the house.

In order to help the bronchial tree recover and heal faster and prevent another attack of bronchitis, it is recommended that you should stay away from polluted areas and if you are a smoker, you should cut down or quit smoking if possible or at least by not smoking inside the house.

The duration of acute bronchitis is usually 10 to 12 days after the first signs and symptoms appear. It will be accompanied by cold or flu or in some cases it can come unaccompanied by other conditions. You have to remember that acute bronchitis is contagious. It is usually transmitted through coughing where the virus or bacteria will be released in the air causing someone who breathes in the virus or bacteria to get infected. It is important that whenever you need to cough, you should cover your mouth with a damp cloth to prevent most of the virus or bacteria particles from getting airborne.

For some people, after the bronchitis has been treated, they will still continue coughing. However, if the coughing lasts longer than a month, it is recommended that you should consult your physician immediately as some other condition aside from the bronchitis may be causing you to cough.

There are ways to prevent bronchitis. To do this, all you need to do is wash your hands thoroughly and frequently, drink lots of fluid, and get lots of rest. You have to remember that bronchitis is caused by viruses or bacteria that can be transferred from an infected area to your hands and from your hands to your lungs.

Always remember that once you see the signs and symptoms associated with bronchitis, you should consult your doctor immediately in order to make a quick diagnosis of your condition and let you treat it at its early stages.

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

An Analysis of Anita Desais The Accompanist

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An Analysis of Anita Desais The Accompanist

BY DR. RAM SHARMA SENIOR LECTURER IN ENGLISH J.V.P.G COLLEGE, BARAUT, BAGHPAT, U.P. AND Dr.Anshu Bhardwaj(Sharma) Senior Lecturer in English Depts. Arya College of Engineering & Information Technology SP-42,RIICO Industrial Area Kukas ,Jaipur

Anita Desai, short listed three times for the Booker Prize and honoured by the Padam Shri for her literary forte, is one of the literary luminaries of the contemporary Indian fiction writing in English and a prolific post colonial writer who like Virginia Woolf deals with the psychology of mind and goes deep into the heart of her characters to expose their inner feelings and dig out the hidden questions that spring at the core of their heart and ,thus, she appears travelling with the modernist sensibilities of T.S. Eliot and Faulkner. The author of the highly acclaimed novel Fire On The Mountain and six other novels, has shown her craftsmanship even in the shorter fiction i.e., short stories rather than her novels. It is true that she finds the short story form much less satisfying1 than the novel ,yet she keeps on writing story as she started writing it as early as her college days.2 In her short stories her style shows to even more advantage than in her novels. Her short stories are witty, evocative, tender and perceptive and perfect in revealing her skill and dexterity in handling this genre. Not only her novels but her short stories also are the great exposure of her psychological perspect.

Desais The Accompanist, an extract of Games At Twlight (1978) delineates the emotional state of a tanpura player who, in this story, proves a true shishy and a true accompanist and is known as Bhaiya or the accompanist. The story is woven in the thread of true human relationship between ustad Rahim Khan,a former classical musician and Bhaiya ,the tanpura player who accompanies him in his performance having the quality of love and devotion.

Ajit and Bhola ,Bhaiyas childhood friends appear in the story as Mephistophilis in Marlowes Dr. Faustus, whose business is to corrupt ,mislead and caution and dissuades Dr .Faustus from his right path. They visited the accompanist almost two decades and provoked him to come out of the shadows of his master Rahim khan and create his own identity by being a soloist. They stated:

You even know how to play the sarod and the veena. You could be a great Ustad yourself ,with some practicewhy do you spend your life sitting at the back stage and playing that idiotic Tanpura while someone else takes all the fame and all the money from you.

The oft-quoted lines explain that for years he was playing the tanpura for the ustad Rahim Khan but did not get any recognition. The attention was grabbed by the ustad and all these years Bhaiya was hidden behind him on the stage without any notice of his presence. In view of his friends he must have a life of obscurity and establish himself as a full fledged musician that will bring to him more fame and more money than the few pennies given by the ustad for playing the tanpura. These suggestions went unheared and the accompanist bridled the horses (the senses).Desais protagonists are not as weak as Marlowes who come under the influence of corrupted people like Mephistophilis .Desais accompanist knows the art of satisfaction within his limited means.(Contentment is happiness.) His friends enticed the accompanist for coming out of his ustads company and he should establish himself as an independent musician of a more worthy instrument than the tanpura but he realized the great glory of his ustads company and got spiritual wealth through this company. He remarks, When I first met my Ustad,I was a boy of fifteen-a stupid, backward boy as my father had often told me I was. At his fathers instruction he delivered the tanpura to ustad Rahim Khan. Delivering it to ustad he saw greatness in his face, the calm and wisdom and kindness of a true leader and immediately intented to deliver his whole life into his hands along with the tanpura. Later on the words Play for me uttered by the ustad made him stunned and brought changes in his life. In fact, these words were new-life giver to him as they created him, created his life, gave it form and distinction and purpose. The accompanist adds, It was the moment of my birth and he was both my father and my mother to me.

We become the victims of desires of the senses. It is controlled by the tremendous will power or by following the suggestions of the supreme bliss which Dr.Faustus felt. We get the exposure of the mind of the speaker when he thinks two ways of taking action. First he would establish his own identity by ignoring ustads company as his childhood friends suggested. Second he would be his accompanist for ever.

In Anita Desais writings the inner climate, the climate of sensibility is more compelling than the visible action. As Iyengar puts it, Her forte is the exploration of sensibility-the particulary kind of modern Indian sensibility that is ill at ease among the barbarians and the philistines, the anarchists and amoralising.3 In the present story the accompanist was persuaded by the senseless talks of his friends, Ajit and Bhola who were empty headed and leading him into it. In real sense the accompanist was not convinced with the ugly thoughts of his friends but still he was compelled to think whether he could really be a front-rank musician or a ustad himself. The lines reveal his inner conflict as I thought, Are they right? or the sarod, or the veena? And become an ustad myself ? He found himself in delimn and tries to analyse the situation. For this purpose he goes on thinking about the futility of the time he had spent with his ustad and states, Now these boys who had heard me play in the dark hall of our house have been an ustad myself, sat in the centre of the stage, played for great audiences and been applauded for my performances. Were they right? Was this true? Had I wasted my life? Then he finds the exposure of his mind after some soul-searching that he can never become ustad in his own life. This idea is revealed in these lines, Yes, anyone could play the tanpura for him, do what I do. But he did not take anyone else, he chose me. He gave me my destiny, my life, and thus, the alchemic touch of the master turned the crude and base boy into a noble and gentle accompanist who now regards him as his God on earth and feels, Does a mortal refuse God?

Our mind has various waves of thoughts which sometimes deviate us from our right path and we begin to doubt on our doings and become sad as the accompanist appears whispering, Had I wasted my life? As the feelings of repentance enter the mind of the person, he mends his short comings, his mind becomes pure and purged and then he realizes extreme love. The accompanist confesses, Only once I was shaken out my contentment, my complacency. I am ashamed to reveal it to you. It was so foolish of me . Further he holds the view:

Ours is a word formed and defined and enclosed not so much by music, however, a by a human relationship on solid ground level-the relationship of love.

The idea discussed in the above line describes the relationship between the accompanist and the ustad. The accompanist feels that their relationship is not only due to the music they played together, instead it was due to story human ties. The relationship developed due to the inspiration and guidance he received from the ustad who had framed his destiny it was further strengthened due to his love and devotion to the man he admired the most in his life.

The best ingredients of Desais style in short stories are childhood memories and the haunting feelings surging out of a romantic heart. In view of Iyengar, As we remain mesmorised by Anita Desais verbal artistry and her uncanny evocation of atmosphere ,her tale unfalteringly glides by and we force a rendition of the veil of the realm of personal experience and attain the desired finale of acceptance.4

Childhood memories are also recollected by the accompanist when his trust was shaken out due to the provoking of his childhood friends. He cried continuously. Everything appeared to be unpleasant and evil and then he recollected the past incidents of his life when he was a vagarant or a vagabond who was without hope, without aim and without destination and was passing a meaningless life. He goes back to his childhood days and reminiscences how other things were of importance to him . Music was worshipped in his family. The central hall of his house was famous for the musical instruments made by both his father and his grand father . Cordantly and discordantly sound of his music could be heared. The accompanist himself had strong likeness for music and also started learning all ragas and raginis from his father ,Mishraji at the age of four . His father, a maker of musical instruments ,tasted his knowledge with rapid persistent questioning in his unmusical grating voice and frequently grabbed his ears and pulled it during his teaching. From such lessons he felt the need to escape and managed several times a day. He was habitual of playing gulli-danda and kho and marbles with mischievous boys of his mohalla.He was fond of watching movies of Nargis and Meena Kumari who were the Queens of heaven for him. In order to fulfill his desires he never hesitated in stealing the money from his mother or father.His mouth watered for halwa and jalebis made by his mother and used to steal his brothers and sisters share for which he was beaten and cursed by the whole family. It was the life which he was leading before joining the musical band of ustad Rahim Khan at the age of fifteen.He is thirty years old now and for fifteen years he has been serving his ustad being his true accompanist.

Desais The Accompanist elaborates the beautiful relationship between Guru and Shishy and proves it more important than other relationships-mother and son, father and son, brother and sister, husband and wife etc. The accompanist has strong likeness for the sweets made by his mother instead of her. How I loved my mothers sweetmeats, too rather more. What her picture he has in his life is clear in further statement, I did the non-descript ,mumbling ,bald woman who made them.. She never came to life for me. She lived some obscure, indoor life, unhealthy and curtained, undemanding and uninviting. He considers her as a wonderful cook. His father had been a hard taskmaster who would religiously wake up him in the early hours of morning and train him in music. He wanted his son to become a musician not an instrument maker. With this view he gave him lessons in playing the Tanpura, Harmonium, Sitar and the Tabla and taught him all ragas and raginis by testing his knowledge with persistent questioning. It was the time when he was crazy for cinemas and playing marbles and had not so much likening for music. But when he was caught in a situation , he stood up to it. When his brain was washed by his friends, he began to doubt his father and recalled him by saying, My father had taught me to play all these instruments and disciplined me severely ,but he had never praised me or suggested I could become a front-rank musician. I had learnt to play instruments as the son of a carpenterBut I had practiced on these instruments and played the ragas he taught me to play without thinking of it as an art or of myself as an artist. Perhaps I was a stupid, backward boy .My father always said so. Such attitude towards his father the accompanist has .Stealing the shares of his brother and sister proves him unkindly ,irresponsible ,unsociable and naughty boy. Now he is married and has become the man of the world but has no interest in his married life while in his childhood he was crazy for the street beauties and the cinema heroines and put himself in the place of their screen lovers. He considers that he married for his mothers pleasure, I even married. That is, my mother managed to marry me off to some neighbour;s daughter of whom she was fond. The girl lived with her. I seldom visited her. I can barely remember her name, her face. Whenever he gets the chance to go home for a few days to rest, he desires of cutting short these holidays and returning to his house in the city to practice.

The love for music and ustad Rahim Khan changed everything in his life and he gave up all his childhood pleasures and pranks. All fell away from me ,all disappeared in the shadows on the other side. Ustad took the place of his mother s sweet halwa ,the cinema heroines, the street beauties ,marbles and stolen money. Ustad Rahim Khans company brought several changes in his life and gave birth to him as Bhaiya, the tanpura player. All his attractions regarding playing with the mischievous boys of mohalla and going to cinema disappeared. All his follies and stupidities or bad habits disappeared for ever .Music has taken their place and become the goal of his life.He is fully satisfied with this goal. Thus he devoted his whole life to ustad and became his true friend and accompanist because he was nothing. It was Ustad Rahim Khan who saw me, hiding awkwardly in the shadows of an empty hall with a tanpura in my hands and called me to come to him and showed me what to do with my life. I owe everything to him, my very life to him. Thus he decided to remain royal in the same position giving the ustad the base material on which he would compose his music.

The intimacy between the accompanist and his ustad could not be perceived or understood by his childhood friends and their act of provoking him against his ustad failed and cultivated in him a strong sense of commitment towards his ustad. Having the feelings of self-assured, poised and self-satisfed he hired a tonga and asked the driver to take him to his ustad, his creator. Only one thing was going in his heart.

I maintain I am his true accompanist, certainly his true friend.

The feelings of the accompanist to ustad Rahim Khan are expressed in the above line. He feels that he always plays the notes given by the ustad repeadly and he builds his music on the background provided by him. Thus he feels he is a true accompanist. Above all he never expects anything and never tries to compete in the performance with him. He never seeks the attention of the audience ,their attention is always on the ustad ,whenever his ustad suffers with the hacking cough in a concert ,he always asks the accompanist to prepare the opium to quieten it, these points make him a true friend as well.

Tha accompanist stands for pure love and selfless service. When the ustad asked him, Do you play? These words contain a sense of security and relief, love and affection which were absence in his life. As a matter of fact, love is above money, above all the material gains and achievements. About the power of love, Coleridge has rightly observed:

All thoughts ,all passions, all delights Whatever stire this mortal frame Are all but ministers of love And feed their sacred flame. 5 The accompanist keeps on showing his true love and service to the ustad without any wish for gaining anything in return. We have traveled all over India and played in every city, at every season. It is his life and mine. We share this life, this music, this following. What else can these possibly be for me in this world?

It is interesting to note that Desai has beautifully presented the inner conflicts of the accompanist and also his victory over them. In fact, she believes in dealing with the mind and the soul of a character ,his inner workings and hidden and silent thoughts rather than his outer appearances .Similiarly, The Accompanist has a fine fusion of feelings and form and proves itself a great example of Desais art and craftsmanship since her main business as a fiction writer is to expose the truth. Thus the story accentuates the importance of selfless love, devotion, dedication and gratitude in human relationship.

References: All the references of Desais The Accompanist in Games at Twilight and Other Stories, New Delhi, Allied, and London: Heinemann,1078.

1. Quote in Jasbir Jains Interview with Anita Desai on 16th November 1979,Jasbir Jain, Stairs to the Attic: The Novels of Anita Desai ( Printwell Publishers,Jaipur,1987,p.13). 2. Ibid,.p.8. 3. Srinivas Iyengar, K.R., Indian Writing In English, New Delhi, Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd;1985,p.464. 4. Ibid.,p.745. 5. Coleridge ,S.T., Love in Golden Treasury,op.cit,p.171.

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