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The chronic form of bronchitis is defined as the enlargement of the airways of the lungs known as bronchi in the upper respiratory system in addition to the production of an excessive amount of mucus. This overproduction triggers coughing and expectoration in most patients suffering from this condition. The coughing is often reported at dawn just after waking up, and is usually pertained to as 'smokers cough'. A majority of individuals frequently feel a kind of difficulty in respiration,such as labored breathing or shortness of breath. Many different triggers can contribute to someone contracting chronic bronchitis, and the particular factor may be different depending on the individual. Some of the different risk factors that can trigger chronic bronchitis are the following:
Smoking Cigarettes
Prolonged smoking is the most common risk factor and leads to an excess of 90% of all documented cases of this disease. Patients that at present suffer from chronic bronchitis and still smoke must quit smoking or risk developing worse problems. Examples of such problems are pneumonia, emphysema, and ultimately lung infection. The latter is extremely challenging to alleviate due to an excess level of mucus in the upper region of the respiratory system. The mucus creates warmth and moisture in the area, turning it into a breeding ground for bacteria and infection.
Decreased Resistance To Disease
Individuals with a decreased immunity to disease are deemed to have a higher risk for chronic bronchitis. This affects the old, young, sick, and those patients with immunity disorders. If you happen to have a low immunity to disease and are concerned about your health, it is recommended that you consult with your specialist about the different medications and modes of treatment that may help you deflect the onset of further respiratory difficulties.
Contact With Or Exposure To Lung Irritants
Individuals who are exposed to lung irritants in the workplace are at a higher risk for contracting chronic bronchitis. The most known careers that include these hazards are coal workers, construction workers, welders, and people whose jobs involve chemical laboratories. Dust is additionally considered an irritant of the lungs and should therefore be kept away from.
Frequent Infections in the Respiratory System
Individuals who experience frequent respiratory infections have a much higher risk of developing chronic bronchitis. These frequent respiratory infections cause complications in the upper respiratory system in its entirety , and can trigger the body tomanufacture a thicker than normal mucus. If you experience recurrent infections involving the respiratory system you are advised to seek options for medical care with your specialist.
Regular Exposure to Air Pollutants
Individuals who are periodically exposed to high quantities of air pollution are distinctly more susceptible to chronic bronchitis. Air pollution is considered an irritant, so you must decrease being exposed to polluted air consisting of dust, chemicals or smoke in an attempt to prevent acquiring this horrible and life threatening condition.
Acid Reflux Sufferers
Individuals who are suffering from acid reflux are have an increased risk of acquiring chronic bronchitis. The acid reflux weakens the lungs airways in the body, and triggers the body to manufacture increased levels of mucus. A persons bronchi may further become inflamed because of being exposed to their gases.