Sabtu, 14 April 2018

Deadly CombinationWhat Is Really In Illegal Drugs

Deadly CombinationWhat Is Really In Illegal Drugs

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Deadly CombinationWhat Is Really In Illegal Drugs

The concoctions of chemicals being used to create the deadly mixtures being used to create illegal drugs will astonish most people. Not only are the chemicals dangerous but the amount of each chemical that is added to illegal drugs drastically varies depending on who is mixing the combination. No one knows for sure what has been added or how much. The danger is not just the fact that the drug itself is deadly and addictive but the people making the drugs are not chemists or educated on the subject. As a result, the drugs are never exactly the same combination. Essentially, the drug is made by a trail and error procedure that is being tested on teenagers.

The latest drug on an up-swing is called Cheese. Cheese is a deadly recipe of Tylenol PM and Heroin. The new drug is a light tan and looks like grated parmesan cheese or brown sugar. There have been a high number of reports of Cheese in the Dallas, Texas area, but has spread to surrounding suburbs and other large cities. This drug is a depressant that may cause hallucinations and can shut down the respiratory system. It is blamed for more than 25 deaths in 2 years in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area. The Heroin is cut (mixed) so that it can be inhaled through the nose. Tylenol PM is not the only drug that is mixed with Heroin to make Cheese. Benedrl, Nytol, baby laxatives, vitamin B, coffee creamer and lactose have also been found in Cheese-Heroin. Anyone using this drug has no idea how much heroin is actually in the powder they purchased and what it is mixed with. Understanding these deadly mixtures are haphazardly made is a key to getting teenagers and young adults not to experiment.

Another popular drug that emerged in the 80s is called Ecstasy or X. It contains the synthetic chemical called methylenedioxymethamphetamine or MDMA that is derived from an essential oil of the sassafras tree. MDMA is a powerful stimulant and hallucinogen that is a mood enhancer and speeds up the nervous system. Once again the drug dealers cut the MDMA with whatever is easily available and cheap. For example: aspirin, caffeine and other over the counter drugs are often used.

Approximately 90% of the X in the United States comes from the Netherlands and Belguim. It is difficult and extremely hazardous to make. This has led to many dealers making a Fake X using DXM (dextromethorphan) which is a cough suppressant. It contains 13 to 14 times the amount found in cough syrup and causes hallucinations. Another dangerous additive to the Fake X is PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine) it has more drastic effects and is an even more potent hallucinogen. Those making or cooking these drugs are self taught and have very little knowledge on the topic. A police officer stated, They got the directions out of books and stuff, but if theyd turned to the wrong page or something, they could have mixed the wrong things and killed people.

The drug labs are found just about anywhere including barns, motel rooms, boats, basements, garages, motor homes, and even cars. There are no guidelines for cleanliness or health standards. Any contaminants could become added to the drug because of the inadequate facilities and filthy conditions.

Stimulants known as methamphetamine or Meth are not like cocaine or heroin because it is not derived from plants. When a person uses this drug it results in excessive energy, alertness, no appetite and an intense euphoric rush. Meth can be injected, swallowed, snorted or smoked. It can be manufactured using a variety of store bought chemicals. The most common ingredient found in Meth is pseudoephedrine or ephedrine. Both are drugs found in cold medicines. The cooking process is the key to Meth because it is what changes the chemicals into the drug. Meth is cut with nearly anything including:
Paint Thinner (Toluene)
Nail Polish Remover (Acetone)
Anhydrous Ammonia
Iodine Crystals
Red Phosphorus
Drain Cleaner
Battery Acid
Lithium (Taken from the inside of batteries)
Kitty Litter
Rock Salt

The cooking process generates 5 pounds of toxic waste that can seep into the ground and water system. It also produces toxic fumes and highly explosive gases that often cause explosions and fires.

The most important factors about the deadly combinations of illegal drugs are the following:
No one ever knows what has been added to the drug.
No one knows the actual amounts of the chemicals in the drug...they are always different.
No one ever knows what combination of drugs will kill.
No one knows what contaminates have become part of the drug because of filthy drug labs.

It is extremely important to discuss all types of drugs with teenagers and young adults, and it also imperative to talk about specific details as mentioned in this article. The more the topic is explained and the more education offered to kids then the less chance of them experimenting with drugs.

The article writer is AJ Crowell, author of the book Loved Back to Life. The book offers suggestions for those with alcohol and/or drug problems, their families, friends and co-workers.

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