Minggu, 15 April 2018

Do You Have Silent Acid REflux

Do You Have Silent Acid REflux

Image source: https://linekeheus.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/acid-reflux-control-recommendations.jpg

Do You Have Silent Acid REflux

Unlike the usual Acid Reflux symptoms of heartburn, burning sensations in your throat and chest, Silent Acid Reflux can be difficult to detect. The causes are the same, but the symptoms are not.

Both Acid Reflux and Silent Acid Reflux are caused by stomach contents backing up into the esophagus and up to the throat. This is usually happens because weak throat muscles Allow the acidic stomach contents to travel to the throat, resulting in the burning sensation.

Silent Acid Reflux, however, exhibits subtle symptoms that often go un-noticed and are dismissed for other reasons or causes.

Let me tell you a story. So far not a successful one. A fellow I know has spent his life quietly coughing several times a day to clear his throat of mucus. He always thought it was a sinus condition drainning into his throat. After fifty some years of this he began to make popping sounds at night while he slept when his mouth was open. Every breath made a sound like a dripping faucet. After a year or so of that and beginning to cough extra loud to clear his throat he visits his Doctor, who sends him to a sinus specialist; who does a CAT scan and finds the sinus' clear. Then it was on to an allergy specialist and they find he is not allergic to anything. Then to throat specialist who examines the throat and findshis throat swollen around the vocal cords and finds tiny growths on the vocal cords. The growths were removed and found to be benign. A prescription was prescribed to reduce the swelling; and another for Silent Acid Reflux (really wasn't silent with all the noisy coughing he was doing, but that is what the Doctors called it) which didn'thelp. Now he is on the purple pill that doesn't seem to be helping. He has been advised to sleep with his head raised and to avoid certain foods. What is next? He doesn't know .Perhaps natural remedies. He has been seeing Doctors for a couple years now. The point here is that if you have the signs or symptoms don't wait for years to check it out. Try to get it fixed, nip it in the bud if you can, before it gets out of hand.

Silent Acid Reflux affects people of all ages - even infants.

If you find yourself clearing your throat frequently, or while eating or talking; snoring or have bouts of irregular sleep you may be suffering from Silent Acid Reflux. If your child is frequently swallowing food that they spit up, the acid in it can damage the lining of their esophagus. People suffering form these conditions, including my friend, are often advised to sleep with their heads raised; and let several hours pass after eating before sleeping to allow the digestive process to settle down. They are also advised to avoid foods that induce a lot of stomach acid.

If you have these signs, don't dismiss it. Visit your Doctor before it gets too serious.

There are medicines, natural remedies and treatments to relieve the condition. They do not work for everyone, but they are worth a try and may help you.

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