Rabu, 18 April 2018

Electronic Cigarettes Side Effects

Electronic Cigarettes Side Effects

Image source: http://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/555324018/electronic_cigarette_side_effects.jpg

Electronic Cigarettes Side Effects

I have been a cigarette smoker for over 40 years.
During that time I have smoked ten's of thousands of cigarettes

and spent thousands of pounds, ruined my health and all for my craving for the drug nicotine.

Yes I am an addict, addicted to nicotine.

Over the years I have tried and failed to give up my addiction many many times.

Just some of the methods I have used to try and help me stop have been:- Hypnotism, it just did not work on me. Patches, I am allergic to them, I come up with big red sore marks when I put them on. Gum, made my jaw ach and could not find a flavour I liked. Inhaler, this just burnt my tong and I wanted a cigarette as soon as I put it down. Snuff, Now I really liked this one, there are many flavours and textures but you can look a bit funny using it all the time in the 21st century and yes it does make you sneeze and it's not too pleasant having to blow your nose all the time.

Now I know that all of the above have worked for other people, but not for me.

So at the age of 58 I had given up giving up!

Even though smoking cigarettes may one day kill me. Then six weeks ago my wife bought me an Electronic Cigarette Kit

I knew that she had wasted her money but I had no choice but to try it. Within two hours I had changed my mind!

It feels just like smoking a real cigarette you get (smoke) vapour from the electronic cigarette, that you inhale as if it were smoke. To me it was just like changing my brand of cigarette, all smokers have done that.

It now looks as if I don't have kick my nicotine habit to be able to live a "normal" life.

No Fire means No Smoke!

Nothing is burnt when you "smoke" an electronic cigarette only a vapour is created. When you breathe out it's similar to your breath on a cold and frosty winters morning, you can see it as you breathe out but then it instantly disappears.

No real smoke means that I can get my nicotine fix when and where I want to.

My first stop was down at my local pub. It was great to wipe that smug smile off the faces of the non smokers. There was me enjoying my vice without having to go outside and stand in the freezing cold.

And don't forget the smoking ban in Airports. Yes I can use my electronic cigarette even there. Then there is shopping malls, the work place and even company vehicles, ahhh!

No real smoke means, no smell, no passive smoking, no smell on your clothes.

So I have got some of my freedom back.

I can "smoke" every where!

That should be enough reason for me writing this but here is the Real Biggy!!

THE SIDE EFFECTS of an electronic cigarette

I can breathe freely again!

I was smoking 60 cigarettes a day. My morning smokers' cough could last two minutes and really began to hurt. Sometimes I felt as if there was a steel band around my chest.

The tars and toxins in the tobacco smoke were making me feel ill.

After six weeks of not giving up and using my electronic cigarette I feel great.

No morning cough, the steel band has gone and I sleep better.

I am not a doctor and I have not been to one but I know my own body, as I have had the same one for 58 years.

I can now breathe deeper and walk further than I could a few weeks ago.

From 60 cigarettes to 2-4 refill cartridges a day - just how much tar is NOT going into my lungs every day?

Smoking is not smart or clever but if you are like me and don't really want to give up, you really should give an electronic cigarette a try.

One thing I have forgotten to mention...I am saving a fortune!!

Enjoy your Vice Steve Vale

I first came across Zigs Electronic Cigarette at the beginning of December 2008

Since then because of what it has done for me I have been an advocate of their products,

their exceptional service and friendly approach really put them in a class by them selves.

Their quality products are very keenly priced and should be reviewed

Zigs Electronic Cigarette http://www.electroniccigarette.uk.com/

Enjoy your Vice Steve Vale

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